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Weight Loss Foods: Top 6 Food Choices to Boost Metabolism and Lose Inches

Every third person in the world is struggling with obesity as per some reports. Weight gain has emerged as a major lifestyle disease in the current times. Thanks to the unhealthily delicious junk food items available just a tap over the phone, almost nil physical activity levels and sleepless nights! Excessive weight isn't about just weighing a few more kilos, it is in fact a risk factor for a plethora of health problems including hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, etc. Being overweight can lead to musculoskeletal disorders also. Not just this, obesity has been identified as a factor that can increase your risk of developing severe COVID-19. Quick fact From 1975 to 2016, the prevalence of overweight or obese children and adolescents aged 5–19 years increased more than fourfold from 4% to 18% globally. Losing weight: The real struggle While most people understand the health risks associated with obesity, losing weight remains a big challenge. Do you know losing weight is one of the top new year resolutions every year? When it comes to weight loss, your diet plays a quintessential role. Many experts say weight loss is 30% exercise and 70% diet. Here we have enlisted top 6 food choices that can boost metabolism and help you lose inches:  Top 6 foods that helps in weight loss High-protein foods: Foods that are high in protein  such as lean meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, etc., can increase your metabolic rate for a few hours. This is because your body needs more energy to digest such food. This is called the Thermic effect of food. TEF refers to the use of calories during the digestion process. Research shows that protein-rich foods increase TEF the most. For example, they increase your metabolic rate by 15–30%, compared with 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fat (trusted source). The more protein you have in your body, the less you will feel hungry. Due to which you will be able to save yourself from overeating.   Foods rich in iron and vitamin C: Iron-rich food is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which helps regulate your metabolism. Research shows that eating foods that are lacking in iron can reduce the thyroid ability to produce enough hormones, which could slow down your metabolism. If you want your thyroid to function at its best, you should include foods that are rich in iron. Also, couple your iron intake with vitamin C. This helps enhance absorption of iron.    Chili peppers: Chili pepper contains an element called capsaicin. These chemical increases metabolism in your body. This may help your body burn extra calories. A review of 20 research studies suggests that capsaicin supplements themselves can help your body burn about 50 extra calories per day. A research done on 200 people found that people who were consuming 2 mg of capsaicin before every meal burnt extra calories.   Black coffee: The caffeine found in coffee can help in increasing our metabolic rate. Several studies have shown that people who consume at least 270 milligrams of caffeine daily, or the equivalent of about 3 cups of coffee, can burn up to an additional 100 calories per day. However, remember to consult your dietitian and do not overdo the caffeine intake as it can interfere with sleep and digestion.   Quinoa: This can be rightly called as super grain when it comes to weight loss. It is packed with protein and fiber and contains approximately 220 calories per cup. Moreover, it provides various amino acids, which means it can be converted directly into muscle by the body. 6. Fruits and Nuts: Do you know anapple contains upward of 5 grams of fiber? Most fruits and nuts are rich in fibers and good fat. Hence, they are more filling compared to snacks of similar calorie amounts. You feel fuller, eat less junk throughout the day, and lose weight. What’s more? The fiber also helps keep the gut microbiome healthy and balanced. Having a healthy gut microbiome is an essential component of a good metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight. The Final and (most important) advice Besides taking care of your diet, make sure to drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated. Water helps you keep off extra calories by replacing the diet soda or fruit juice, both of which are full of sugar that can invite on the belly fat super fast.  Maintain a good sleep schedule and ensure to get 7-8 hours of sound nap. Insomnia is notorious for causing weight gain issues in young adults. Make sure to get your health parameters checked from time to time as certain diseases like low thyroid levels can also cause you to gain weight. Book your health package here.


Could you be Addicted to the Internet, This is How it Feels and Tips to Help Yourself

Internet addiction disorder Find yourself distracted and restless to check your smartphone while being in an office meeting? Cannot sleep without moving to the next level of your current favorite online game? Well, it might be Internet Addiction Disorder. It refers to an excessive, problematic, compulsive use of the internet. It is a growing problem in today’s time, affecting adolescents and adults likewise.  How does Internet addiction affect you? It might not appear as a grave concern at first but eventually the ill effects become quite prominent as they begin impacting your day-to-day life: Reduces your ability to concentrate and think deeply or creatively: The persistent pings or notifications of your smartphone can distract while you are trying to focus on important tasks, impede your work, and interfere with those quiet moments that are quintessential to creative thinking. Precipitates loneliness and depression: You may feel quite engaged and lost in yourself while being online, but the overuse ultimately results in negative feelings such as loneliness and depression. You may be trying to kill the boredom with the internet, but it can actually make you feel even worse due to feeling guilty of wasting your time on useless stuff.Also, social media predisposes users, especially teens, to compare their life and experiences unfavorably with their peers, that promotes feelings of failure, loneliness and depression. Fuels anxiety and reduces me- time: One study has found that compulsive use of smartphones tends to make people more anxious and perform poorly on assigned tasks. The heavier a person’s phone use, the less time one gets for self-care. Linger on the Internet for hours and end up having guilt? Make a healthy use of this “online” time and book yourself a comprehensive health checkup. Book here.   Increases stress: You may have FOMO (fear of missing out) if you miss out on that one buzz!  You may feel pressured to always be online and continually checking and responding to pings. This habit can lead to higher stress levels and even burnout in the long run. Interrupts your sleep: Overuse of smartphones is a well-known culprit to disrupt your sleep. It can impact your memory, metabolism, energy levels, and reduce your cognitive and learning skills. Can give withdrawal symptoms just like any other addiction: When you try to cut back on your smartphone use, it is not unlikely to get restless, angry or irritable, sleep deprived and anxious Change your internet use, one step at a time Unlike other substance addiction, it is impossible and impractical to completely refrain from your smartphones and internet. It has become a part and parcel of life, so the trick is to modify your internet usage step by step and cut back to more healthy levels of use. Fix times when you cannot use your smartphone: Keep your phone out of your easy reach while you need to attend an important meeting or assignment. This applies to household work as well. Schedule internet use for certain free times of day, once you’ve completed an assignment or finished a chore. Do not sleep with your smartphones or tablets: Screens of digital devices emit blue light, which can disrupt your sleep. Do not use any screen 1-2 hours before you sleep. Turn your devices off or at least leave them in another room overnight. Forego eBooks on your phone or tablet at night and read directly from a book. Have alternative ways to fill the free time: Feeling bored? Use this time to nurture a hobby or cultivate a new hobby, meditate, read a book, or chat with friends in person. Use the free time to get indulged in healthier activities. This helps resist the urge to use the internet. Remove unnecessary, social media / shopping / gaming apps from your phone: It is okay to keep some apps to serve your needs. But it is not important to have numerous apps that are just there to eat your time away. If you find yourself compulsively checking social media apps, challenge yourself and stray away from opening them for some specified time period or a day. Remember what you see of others on social media is hardly a reflection of their lives- it is merely exaggerating the happy aspects of their lives, and brushing over the disappointments. Instead, speak to an elderly or a friend about any issues you might be facing. Have a sense of self-worth. Make use of technology to beat technology: there are various apps that can automatically limit when you’re able to access your phone. Even smartphones are coming with features to avoid internet addiction. Make use of such useful features. Cull your fear of missing out: It is okay to miss out on certain breaking news, or that new gossip. Accept that you were doing more meaningful stuff at those times. Seek help from mental health experts: If you think self-help is not enough to overcome the internet addiction disorder, consult an expert. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an important modality for treatment of smartphone and Internet addiction. Nowadays, specialists offer digital detox programs to help you disconnect from digital media and stay connected with your inner self. Group therapy can also give you a moral boost in curbing your internet and phone use.An expert can also help you learn healthier ways of coping with negative feelings including depression, stress, or anxiety, or depression.Make sure to keep a check on your Internet use habits. Have a healthy mind and body- both online and offline!


Monsoon Diseases Prevention: Simple Health Tips to Stay Monsoon Ready

There starts the drizzle and here we start craving for the pakodas and waiting for the rain dance! Monsoon and rains have got such a positive and refreshing vibes that you can’t help but plan to sneak out from your daily (& monotonous) routine.However, with those rain showers, comes humidity and an environment that may promote growth of microorganisms and put you at risk of developing various health ailments. From seasonal cough and cold to stomach infections, from mosquito-borne diseases to liver inflammation- are all the repercussions of not taking enough care of yourself during monsoon.Fighting a fever and not sure what is causing that? Find out the culprit with our all-new Fever panel tests. Here, we have enlisted simple yet important health tips that keep you monsoon ready (and disease free). Take a look! 1. Increase your vitamin C intake You must have noticed that rain is the time of the year when viral fever, cold, and allergic reactions are most prevalent. To help keep these infections at bay, one thing that you must have is a strong immunity. There isn’t an exact definition of “how strong” your immune system should be to fend off germs but it is an established fact that people with a healthy immune system seldom fall sick as compared to people who have a weak immunity. That’s where vitamin C can be helpful- to keep your immune cells healthy. It is one of the most important immunity-boosting nutrients. Several studies have stated that vitamin C can prevent colds in some specific cohorts. Splurge on those oranges, lemons, fresh green vegetables and broccolis to have a Vitamin C rich diet. 2. Make sure you take enough fluids (even without feeling thirsty) The weather being cool, you may not feel thirsty often. However, ensure to drink plenty of water during the monsoon. Most people sweat a lot due to the humid weather of the rainy season and miss replenishing fluids. Keeping well hydrated helps flush out toxins from your body too. Nevertheless, stay vigilant of the type of water you drink. Many illnesses like hepatitis A, typhoid, cholera are waterborne and quite rampant during the monsoon season. If you aren’t sure of the water quality in your area, boil the drinking water to kill disease-causing germs and eliminate other impurities. Get your water filters serviced on time so that they do their job effectively and you get clean drinking water. 3. Had a rain dance? Get a shower at once Do take a relaxing warm water bath to disinfect your body after getting drenched in rain or playing in the puddles. It decreases the risk of catching skin and fungal infections. Add a disinfectant to bathing water if possible. 4. Stay protected of mosquitoes Continuous rains and improper drainage allow water to accumulate and serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. These tiny insects are well capable of giving you serious health troubles including malaria, dengue, chikungunya, etc. Ensure that there is no open water storage in your home. Change and clean water of coolers. Wear full-sleeve clothes and use mosquito repellents. Using mosquito nets is also a good idea. 5. Don’t let monsoon lure you into street food You aren’t sure what type of water your favourite street food vendor has used while preparing that aloo chaat. You cannot guarantee how well he would have washed the vegetables that go into the bhaji. Also, the food items can be exposed to the open air. Every time you fall for a street food item, you are more likely to contract a gut infection. 6. Clean your raw fruits and vegetables well Scrub your fruits and vegetables under running water thoroughly. Germs may thrive on the skins of fruits and vegetables. Try consuming well-cooked or boiled vegetables. It is not necessary to use a vegetable wash but washing vegetables and fruits in warm saline water is a good practice to follow.  7. Keep yourself physically active within home Rain and COVID situations might not allow you to venture outdoors. But, remember exercising not only helps you maintain weight, but it is great for your immune system as well. It improves your blood circulation and triggers release of the happy hormone (serotonin). You can try side stretching, jumping rope, yoga asanas, and dance. 8. Hand hygiene is crucial not only for COVID but also for monsoon illnesses Your hands are the main mode of transferring germs into your body. Wash or sanitize your hands before you eat something or even during travel. It is not only important for preventing spread of COVID-19 but also to keep other communicable germs at bay.COVID is far from over as yet!. Make sure to get tested if you experience the symptoms. Book a home sample collection here.A little care goes a long way in helping you stay healthy during monsoon. Make sure to prioritise your health and enjoy every season to the fullest.Explore preventive health checkups here.  


Holi Safety Tips: Skin Problems, Hair Woes, Breathing Issues, And More.

The spring season is already here and Holi, the festival of colors, is ready to welcome the spring with colors, happiness, gujiyas, and warmth of relationships! But natural, organic colors being demoded, it brings along the fear of toxic colors, skin allergies, hair woes, respiratory troubles, and much more for many of you.Make this Holi health wali with our top health packages, curated especially for you. Explore here. While you gear up to play the second Holi amid the pandemic, we have curated quick, most practical tips to help you stay safe during Holi 2021. Here you go: Holi Safety Tip #1 Most of the colors being sold and used these days during Holi contain toxic agents and chemical solvents. The scented dry color (gulaal) might even have glass particles. These chemical-laden and abrasive Holi colors when applied on your skin can cause rashes, minor cuts, allergies, and discoloration. Some people might even develop severe skin reactions like blisters. While you cannot enforce everyone to use organic Holi colors, the best way to protect your skin is to cover the skin as much as you can. Wear full sleeves clothes. Also, it is extremely important to prep your skin in pre-holi times. Apply coconut oil (or mustard oil) on the face and other exposed areas. This will form a protective shield on your skin against toxic colors. If you think you are getting severe skin problems while playing Holi, connect to a doctor. Do not apply any random homemade pack as it can do more harm than good.People having oily skin can apply sunscreen on the skin in place of oil or thick moisturizers. In addition, prefer the sun blockage when you are going out in the sun for playing Holi. Feared that your sunscreen will block the UVB light and lower vitamin D levels? Please note that practically, very few people put on enough sunscreen to block all UV rays. You can opt for the morning sun rays before 10 am to fill your vitamin D stores. Bonus Tip for Post Holi Skin CareApply a paste of curd and gram flour, or raw milk and gram flour on your skin (including face) after playing Holi. This not only helps take out the colors but naturally moistens the skin and improves its texture. Holi Safety Tip #2 The Hair GuardSimply shampooing your hair after Holi may not suffice since by then your hair and scalp have already been exposed to the harmful chemicals. Massage your hair and scalp generously with any hair oil before playing holi to protect them against any damage. Colors can make dry hair extra dry and prone to damage and breakage. Oiling will not only nourish them from inside but also grease them that helps take out the colors much easily. Holi Safety Tip #3 Overeating is still a sinJust when you were very well pursuing your weight loss journey and keeping your blood sugar levels in control, the yummy gujiyas get you derailed! This is extremely important for diabetics. It might be okay to have a bit depending on your health goals, but over consuming the sweets, snacks, and other delicacies can cause your blood sugar levels to overshoot. The festivals will come and go, but your good health is going to stay with you, helping you enjoy many more festivities coming across. Remember, it is important to keep track of your fasting and post meal blood sugar values so that you know where you stand and you don’t overdo the fun. Holi Safety Tip #4 Your eyes are precious  It is not uncommon to splash colors in the eyes while playing holi. Ensure to close your eyes when someone is applying colors on your face. The best way to protect your eyes during holi is to wear a sunglass. In case you get colors in your eyes, do not rub and immediately wash it off with plain running water. Apply tear drops to help clear any residues in forms of tears. Holi Safety Tip #5 Breathe it rightAs stated earlier, toxic agents and chemicals in the holi colors can cause an array of allergies. The symptoms can range from mild ones limited to skin like rashes and itching to moderate and severe ones involving lungs and other organs. You can experience sneezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. Please note allergic signs like breathing issues may demand urgent medical attention as you may not be able to assess the severity of an allergic reaction yourself. If you think your symptoms are severe and are worsening over time, reach out to an expert without delay. Holi Safety Tip #6 Remember the new normalThe COVID-19 cases have seen a surge in the current time. New variants have been identified that are more infectious and might escape the immune system. Avoid large gatherings and celebrations with unknown people. Keep sanitizing your hands from time to time. Playing holi in smaller groups while following precautions can help you keep check on spread of the pandemic. It is far from over as yet, let’s be vigilant. If you develop any symptoms such as fever, cough, loss of smell, etc., get yourself tested for COVID-19 immediately and self-isolate while the results are awaited.    We wish you a very Happy Holi! Let this festival of colors wash away all your health issues and bless you with healthy body and mind. 


Dark Chocolate for Weight Loss - Discovering Its Benefits

Love the intense taste of dark chocolate but worried about the overconsumption? Or, think you can eat as much as you want but not gain a single inch? While dark chocolate has a huge fan following, many people have a lot of questions about them. Today we are answering some of the most frequent questions about dark chocolate. Here you go: Question: Is dark chocolate good for weight loss?   Dark chocolate can play some role in weight loss, though it is not considered to be an effective weight-loss measure when used alone. Improves insulin sensitivity: Some research suggests that dark chocolate could help improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin, the hormone responsible for transferring sugar from your blood into your cells where it can be used for energy. Dark chocolate has polyphenols which help insulin being better available to the body cells. This may be associated with less glucose storage and weight loss. Decreases hunger: Some studies show that dark chocolate may reduce cravings and promote feelings of fullness, which may help in weight loss. A study has also found that the effects of milk chocolate and dark chocolate and found that participants felt less hungry and fuller and more satisfied after eating dark chocolate. Question: Can dark chocolate boost mood?   Several studies have found that dark chocolate may positively affect our mental health and mood, which can ensure that we feel our very best. A happy mood is associated with measures to promote self-care. According to one study, those who consumed higher amounts of dark chocolate had 57% lower odds of experiencing depressive symptoms than those who did not regularly consume dark chocolate. Your physical health is a pivotal factor to control your mental health. Think you are feeling burnout or fatigue more often than before? Get a health checkup done and look for yourself if there is anything that you can fix physically to stay calm mentally. Question: Is dark chocolate actually healthy?   Let’s try to understand that how dark chocolate is healthy. Loaded with a lot of nutrients- if we buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, then it is actually quite nutritious. It contains a decent amount of soluble fiber and is loaded with minerals. Dark chocolate can contain the following nutrients  11 grams of fiber 67% of the RDI for iron 58% of the RDI for magnesium 89% of the RDI for copper. 98% of the RDI for manganese In addition, it also has potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. (The constituents and amounts might vary among different products available in the market.) A powerful source of antioxidants: Dark chocolate is loaded with biologically active organic compounds that function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins, among others. May reduce heart disease risk: The ingredients in dark chocolate appear to be highly protective against heart health. It should cause much less cholesterol to lodge in the arteries, resulting in a lower risk of heart disease. In a study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by a whopping 50% over a 15-year period. Yet another study showed that eating dark chocolate more than 5 times per week lowered the risk of heart disease by 57%.  Improve the functioning of the nervous system: Cocoa contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which may be a key reason why dark chocolate can improve brain function in the short term.   Question: Can we eat dark chocolate every day?   You can eat some amounts of dark chocolate daily, however, a better thing is to restrict daily consumption if you have diabetes or obesity. The daily recommended dosecan bearound 30-60 g, as per some sources. Indulging in anything more than that means you may be consuming too many calories. There isn’t a standard dose for dark chocolate that can be followed by everyone. A 40-45 g dark chocolate bar has approximately 190 calories plus some plant nutrients. In comparison, you take only around 95 calories and lots of nutrients if you eat a medium-sized apple. So, it is very clear that you should never replace healthy foods with dark chocolate. Question: Can dark chocolate reduce period pain?   Many women like to eat chocolate during the periods. Now the question is whether dark chocolate reduces the period pain or just creates an overall sense of well-being? Dark chocolate has been seen to provide help to some women dealing with menstrual cramps. A study conducted by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2013 found that consuming chocolate can help in improving our mood, making us feel calmer and more satisfied. Experts say its magnesium content can have a role in relaxing the muscles and easing period pain. In addition to that, it causes the brain to release endorphins, hormones that help you feel happier. Dark chocolate can be helpful during PMS too, owing to the same reasons of relieving stress and facilitating the release of happy hormones. Question: Can diabetics eat dark chocolate?   You may eat some dark chocolate but moderation is the key. Overdoing has to be avoided. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols, which are naturally occurring compounds that have antioxidant properties. Polyphenols in dark chocolate improve insulin sensitivity, which may help in controlling blood sugar, according to research published in Endocrine Abstracts. However, you need to watch your calories to keep track of your blood sugar levels. Though dark chocolate is considered healthy, it still is calorie-dense as compared to other natural foods like fruits and green vegetables. This is why you should not assume that you can eat as much as dark chocolate you want if you are diabetic. Question: Can you eat dark chocolate when pregnant?   Pregnancy demands extra care at each and every step. Having certain cravings during pregnancy is a normal thing, chocolate craving is experienced quite commonly. The good thing is you can enjoy dark chocolate in moderation throughout your pregnancy. The benefits are largely well-proven, including better blood pressure and improved blood flow to the baby. In fact, an older study had revealed that eating dark chocolate may cause sweeter temperaments in babies. Though it is generally safe to eat dark chocolate in pregnancy, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the constituents in the pack or dark chocolate. Also, discuss with your gynecologist what type of diet is best for you and the baby. Question: Is dark chocolate good for the skin?   Consuming dark chocolate can impart beauty benefits to the skin. It has bioactive compounds and is rich in minerals which helps dark chocolate nourish our skin inside out.  Thanks to its antioxidants and flavonoids that prevent aging and might improve blood flow in the skin tissues. Now, when you get your dark chocolate bar the next time, do keep these facts in mind. If you got more question about dark chocolate, let us know in the comments section.


Top 9 Blood Tests Name List to Keep You Healthy, Happy, and Active

Regular blood testing is an important way to keep track of your overall well-being. Getting testing regularly can help you visualize the changes your body undergoes as you age and empower you to make informed decisions about your health. Blood tests provide a crucial picture of your overall health and well-being. These investigations aid in the early identification of an illness, which in turn, can avoid its progression into more severe stages. They can also help you in putting a tab on how well your body responds to different treatments for your diseases. How Often Should You be Tested? Your doctor can usually recommend getting your routine blood testing done at least once a year. Other causes that can prompt you to take blood tests are: If you desire a change in lifestyle patterns. Abnormalities in different parameters such as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) can help you alter your diet or fitness plan If you are experiencing unusual, persistent symptoms such as fatigue, abnormal weight gain or loss, or new pain If you are at an increased risk of certain conditions due to family history or lifestyle habits.  If you want to assess or reduce the risk of diseases or complications as regular blood tests can identify the warning signs of most of the diseases. Here is the list of the top ten routine blood tests that have a pivotal role in maintaining good health and stay worry-free of the sneaking health concerns: 1. Complete Blood Count (Hemogram) A routine complete blood count test measures levels of different components of every major cell in your blood, including: Red blood cells (RBCs) White blood cells (WBCs) Platelets Hemoglobin (protein in RBCs) Hematocrit Mean corpuscular volume and some more blood parameter. The abnormal levels of these lab tests can indicate: Lack of enough blood cells Nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B6 or B12 Tissue inflammation Iron deficiency Signs of an infection Heart conditions. 2. Electrolytes Panel A basic electrolytes test comprises of measurement of certain mineral compounds in the blood, such as: Sodium Potassium Magnesium Chloride Abnormality in these parameters suggests dehydration, malnutrition, or hormone imbalances, etc. 3. Liver Panel A liver panel or liver function test checks different parameters such as enzymes, proteins, and other substances produced by the liver. Some of the important values that a liver function test provides include: Albumin Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Bilirubin. Raised levels of these components can indicate liver diseases such as fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc., while reduced ALP levels could be a diagnostic marker of bone metabolic disorders. 4. Lipid Panel This test determines the levels of different types of cholesterol and related fats in the blood. It usually includes: HDL or “good” cholesterol LDL or “bad” cholesterol Triglycerides Total cholesterol. This panel is done to assess the risk of heart diseases, especially in older individuals. The results of this test can also influence and improve your lifestyle choices. 5. Thyroid Panel A thyroid panel, or thyroid function tests, evaluates how well your thyroid is producing and reacting to certain hormones. It includes: Triiodothyronine (T3): This hormone in combination with T4 regulates your heart rate and body temperature. Thyroxine (T4): Along with T3, this hormone regulates your metabolism. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): This hormone modulates the levels of hormones your thyroid releases. Abnormal levels of these hormones can result into numerous conditions, like low protein levels, thyroid growth disorders, and abnormal levels of sex hormones including testosterone or estrogen. 6. Diabetes Panel Diagnostic tests for diabetes include fasting plasma glucose (FPG), post-meal blood glucose, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) tests. Your clinician will evaluate your test results and determine how well controlled your blood sugar is. HbA1c test evaluates the amount of glucose in the body and is mainly done to monitor the sugar control of a diabetic patient. They can also aid in analysing possible diabetes or pre-diabetic individual. 7. Test for Essential Nutrients Blood tests assessing the body’s levels of certain nutrients like iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and magnesium are important, as these are crucial for optimal bodily functions. Most people are deficient in these nutrients for different reasons, hence, it is imperative to evaluate these levels and supplement them when they are not adequate. Supplementation of these nutrients can prevent several disorders such as iron deficiency anemia, risk of falls, fractures, acute or chronic pain etc. 8. Inflammatory Markers Tests for inflammatory markers include C-reactive protein (CRP) and homocysteine. Raised levels of CRP is indicative of inflammation in the body and is related with an increased risk of cardiac events, artery inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis or depression. Elevations in the level of homocysteine, a common amino acid suggest a spectrum of conditions such as stroke and heart disease, vitamin B6, B12 and folate status, and kidney diseases. 9. Coagulation Panel Coagulation tests include prothrombin time (PT) test and international normalized ratio (INR), these two measure the ability of your body to clot blood and the time taken for blood clotting. Clotting is a crucial process for the body and these blood tests can prevent you from bleeding out in case of an injury, surgical procedure, etc.  In addition, outcome of these tests can diagnose any underlying conditions associated with improper clotting, such as: Acute myeloid leukemia Hemophilia Thrombosis Liver conditions Vitamin K deficiency. Takeaway Diagnostic tests are often described with a slogan like “prevention is better than cure”. Early diagnosis of certain diseases can offer prevention against its progression into a more severe form. However, these lab tests are often not suitable to make a final diagnosis. Numerous blood tests are used initially to detect any abnormality, which is further correlated with other investigations with the help of a healthcare professional to obtain a final diagnosis. The majority of blood tests require fasting for 8–12 hours, which can ensure that the results of the test are free from any variables including vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients, so as to make your test results as accurate as possible. Hence, it is necessary to get routine blood tests done at least once a year. Always take your doctor’s advice to understand whether you require any other tests to ensure optimal health.


Is Peanut butter good for your health?

Is peanut butter a nutritious food? Is peanut butter a nutritious food? Many people out there have a tendency to binge on peanut butter either while working, reading, watching television, or after exercise. It is considered to be one of the world’s most famous spreads. Along with the taste, texture, and creaminess, the belief that it is less calorie-dense makes it everyone’s favorite. But this situation is not black and white; while some people might love peanut butter, there is a chunk of our population who may still be doubtful about it or even be allergic to it. Peanut butter is actually a good source that supplies carbohydrates, protein, niacin, magnesium, vitamin E, and fats and is an excellent plant protein. While some people consider having peanut butter for weight loss to satisfy the mini hunger pangs, others consume it for weight gain as post-workout snacks. So, it contains nutrients that can boost a person’s health, but is it high-calorie or low-calorie food? Can overeating peanut butter be safe or should it be consumed moderately? Let’s try to find answers to such important questions around peanut butter. Peanut butter for weight loss Around 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (nearly 32 g) provide around 200 calories. Now, this makes it look high on calories. However, it is nutrient-dense too, and this makes it a healthy option as compared to other processed foods that give equal amounts of calories. Remember not to binge or over-consume if you are trying to control weight. Moderation is the key as with other foods. You cannot eat as much peanut butter as you want on a daily basis if you are watching weight. Have promised yourself a healthy weight? First, get a health analysis done so you know where you stand before you start. Book a comprehensive lab test here. Health benefits of peanut butter It acts as a food that can help you maintain weight; having peanut butter makes you feel fuller faster because of the presence of monosaturated fats and protein making it a healthy food option. People looking to maintain or lose their weight should replace normal butter or cheese with peanut butter for its satiating property. Because peanut butter is high in calories, beneficial fats and protein, it can help keep you full for a longer duration. It lowers the risk of heart ailments and boosts your heart health owing to the presence of healthy fats like monosaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. As per some studies, having a small portion of peanut butter every day can help decrease the occurrence of heart diseases by 38%. Since it has monosaturated fats, it is considered a wholesome spread with metabolism improving protein. It also has a special compound called genistein, which acts on the genes and helps in combating obesity. The compound can aid in reducing your body’s fat-storing ability, thus helping maintain your body weight and shape. Post a heavy and nice workout, when the muscles are sore and cramp, peanut butter comes to the rescue as it has a good amount of potassium. Potassium plays a key role in your muscle cramps and soreness removal. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain nearly around 179 milligrams of potassium, which is considered a good amount of mineral for post-workout muscle recovery. People who have to count stars at night to get a goodnight’s sleep, ought not to do that anymore, a two-tablespoon serving of peanut butter can do the trick for you. It contains 74 milligrams of the amino acid tryptophan, which acts on the same grounds as serotonin and melatonin that helps in inducing sleep. For the many benefits it offers, some also include bone health improvement, getting glowing skin, and becoming more productive throughout the day. Peanut butter contains vitamin K, which acts as a lubricant for carrying calcium throughout the body, and nurturing overall bone health. If you want your skin to look young and dashing, Peanut butter comes as a savior as it improves your skin’s elastin that makes your skin firm and radiant looking always. Some easy ways to add Peanut butter to your diet- Stirring it into porridge Adding it to a smoothie Stirring into yogurts or warm oatmeal Spreading on whole-grain bread and topping with banana Dipping apple or pear slices into peanut butter as a classic snack When is the best time to consume Peanut Butter for your body To get the best out of your peanut butter jar, it is advisable to have it in the morning and avoid eating it late in the evening or at night. If you follow a fitness schedule, you should also try not to eat in at night as it contains carbs and fats that can adversely harm your routine. Have a spoon to three during peak day hours is also fine. Know when to stop A rule of thumb says concerning one to 2 tablespoons each day is sweet enough for a healthy individual, taken in any type. Going ahead with over 3-4 spoons can be a bit harmful to the body as it may weight gainWhile the benefits might be ample, it can have a few downsides that often go unnoticed compared to the numerous advantages mentioned above. Maintain a balance, don’t overdo Though peanut butter is a healthier alternative to regular butter, it is continuously advisable to eat it in a balanced amount and not binge eat the entire jar while watching Netflix. While there is a great deal of peanut butter manufacturing companies, one should always watch out for their buying choice, as a bunch of brands may contain added sugar, salt, or oil. Do check the ingredients label before you buy.

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