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West Nile Virus: Symptoms, Risks, and Understanding West Nile Fever

Introduction of West Nile Virus West Nile virus is caused by a bite of and is a common medical disorder caused when an infected mosquito bites. Most people infected with West Nile virus in India do not show prominent symptoms. However, they possess minor symptoms such as mild fever or headache. In rare cases, the West Nile virus can lead to a severe brain infection or spinal cord inflammation, requiring extensive care. Otherwise, it may lead to a serious threat to the quality of life. Mosquitoes carrying the virus can also transmit it to animals like horses and not just humans.  As the name suggests, the West Nile virus was identified first in 1937 in the West Nile region of Uganda. Today, its cases are quite prominent in most parts of the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii.  Each day, millions of mosquitos bite people all around the world. Some are regular mosquitos, but one out of five carries the West Nile virus in India, leading to minor rashes, redness, or pain. In nearly 1% of cases, the West Nile virus leads to something as life-threatening as neurological infection, which affects a significant part of the brain and nerves.  How do you get West Nile Virus?  Mosquitoes contract this virus by biting an infected bird. A simple mosquito bite can lead to a West Nile virus infection. If the mosquito biting you carries the virus, chances are high that you will get it. Generally, the virus passes through saliva in the human body. In rare cases, the West Nile virus can spread in the following cases -  During pregnancy and breastfeeding.  At the time of blood transfusion.  In the case of organ transplant surgery.  Note: It is impossible to get the West Nile virus by coming in close contact with an infected person.  Symptoms of West Nile Virus  Several studies reveal that the West Nile virus does not always cause major symptoms. Only one out of five people experience mild symptoms during the entire course of West Nile Virus treatment. In extreme cases, the West Nile virus leads to serious health problems and affects the nervous system and the brain.  This infection sometimes causes permanent or long-lasting side effects, including muscle weakness. At times, people can even lose their lives. Medical experts suggest seeking help from doctors before the condition worsens. One of the most prominent symptoms of the West Nile virus is flu. Therefore, it is also known as West Nile fever.  Other minor symptoms of West Nile fever are as follows -  Fever. Nausea and vomiting. Body aches or headaches.  Itchy rash on the back or stomach.  Diarrhoea. Swollen lymph nodes.  Less than 1% of patients infected with the West Nile virus experience other significant symptoms, which directly or indirectly affect the central nervous system.  Following is the list of specific central nervous system severe symptoms - Very painful or intense headache. Stiff neck. High fever above 39.5° C or 103° F. Confusion or memory loss.  Difficulty in movements or muscle weakness.  Paralysis. Coma. Can West Nile Virus lead to death?  It is uncommon to lose lives because of the West Nile virus, but not impossible. According to researchers, 10% of people falling under the extreme West Nile virus category tend to lose their lifves. However, the rest, 90%, recover through medications or on their own.  Seeking a doctor consultation is recommended if you are experiencing severe West Nile virus symptoms.  A person generally starts to experience symptoms between 4 and 15 days after getting infected.  Mosquitoes are primarily active during summers. Hence, the chances of getting infected with this virus automatically increase during summers. Also, the time of dawn and dusk is quite risky.  How to get diagnosed?  Diagnosis is done by detecting IgM & IgG antibodies against the virus or detecting its RNA by RTPCR. IgM antibodies rise in 2 days of onset of symptoms. A four-fold increase after 9 days is confirmatory. IgG testing if done before 8 days turns out to be negative. If the same patient tests positive later then the infection is confirmed. A serological test can be false positive or negative. Hence, for confirmation RTPCR is recommended. Like most diseases, a simple blood test can confirm the West Nile virus. You are infected with the West Nile virus if the test result is positive. This test searches for West Nile virus antibodies in the blood. These antibodies are proteins in your body that fight the virus.  A spinal tap, also known as the lumbar puncture, is recommended in case of severe symptoms. In this medical procedure, a needle is used to take samples from your spine. This test helps to identify the seriousness of the infection.  West Nile Virus Treatment No therapy or medication can help to treat the West Nile virus; people usually get better on their own. Medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help relieve mild headaches, fever, or other aches. In extreme cases, hospital care is recommended. Therapies like breathing support and intravenous fluids provide adequate support to your body to fight the West Nile virus.  Who is at most risk?  As mentioned earlier, the West Nile virus generally spreads through mosquito bites; therefore, populations living in areas prone to dense mosquito breeding grounds. People who stay outside or regularly in locations with high mosquitos are at a higher risk. The best way to minimize the risk factor is by not stepping out.  Mosquitoes are primarily active -  At dawn and dusk.  During summer.  In slow-moving or standing water.  Our bodies fight viruses naturally; however, when these natural defences fail, the West Nile virus enters the body. People above 60 are most likely to come in contact with it, as their bodies fail to fight viruses naturally. As a result, they are more prone to such diseases. Also, a weakened immune system puts you at a higher risk. In rare cases, this virus can spread through an organ transplant or blood transfusion.  How to prevent West Nile Virus contraction? Prevention is always better than cure! The best way to minimize the risk of virus contraction is to take preventive measures. Some are as follows -  Refrain from stepping out early mornings and late nights.  Use an effective repellent.  Wear light-coloured and light-weight clothes.  Remove or avoid standing water. Keep windows and doors closed to keep mosquitoes out.  Do not touch dead birds.  When to call a doctor?  If you are concerned about your symptoms, get tested. This virus can cause spinal cord infection or a dangerous brain disorder in rare cases. Visit health expert in the following cases -  Stiff neck. Weakening of the muscles. Intense headache. High fever. Conclusion West Nile virus is a commonly spreading virus in different parts of the world, especially in the United States. So, the chances of you contracting this virus are low. Also, if you take precautions, you can be saved from developing the disease.  People going through this infection usually get better without doctor consultation. However, if you think you’re going through severe West Nile virus symptoms, look for a doctor soon and get your West Nile Virus treatment started. Positive steps to protect yourself, such as spending less time outdoors, can help.  Through this article, you learned about the various facts about the West Nile Virus and how it is affecting life today and in the future. We also discussed its symptoms, causes, and treatment. This virus is not only dangerous to health, but at times, it can lead to death also. Therefore, quick actions are suggested, especially if you spot prominent signs and symptoms.  Get in contact with Comprehensive Fever Panel By Multiplex PCR!


What Is Chikungunya? Symptoms, Treatment, Causes and Prevention

Introduction Chikungunya fever (CHIK) is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of infected female mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, and Aedes albopictus. The causative organism is an RNA virus of the alphavirus genus, the Togaviriade family. The name chikungunya is derived from a Kimakonde language word meaning "to become contorted" or "to walk bent over," describing the stooped appearance of those affected with joint pain. Night-time biting mosquitoes are not significant vectors for Chikungunya. In this disease, infection results in a sudden onset of fever lasting two to twelve days and joint pain with or without swelling of small joints. The joint pain is often very serious, but it usually lasts only a few days or weeks. Sometimes, the joint pain may persist for several months. Some patients also develop a rash. In this health guide, we will discuss what Chikungunya is and its symptoms, how it is transmitted, the diagnosis, and how to prevent the disease. What are the symptoms of Chikungunya?   The incubation period for Chikungunya is normally three to seven days. The general symptoms are joint pain and fever. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash. Symptoms of this disease usually begin 2 to 12 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Below are the most common symptoms: Fever: After some time, a person with Chikungunya will develop a high fever, lasting for two to 12 days. The fever will generally go away on its own, without any treatment. If you are worried about the fever, you can visit a doctor, who may prescribe medication to help reduce the fever. Joint pain: Severe and incapacitating, often involving multiple joints. The pain can last for several weeks and, in some cases, months. Some people will experience long-term joint pain, even after the fever has subsided. Headache: A general feeling of pain or pressure in the head can be one of the symptoms of Chikungunya. Always consult a medical practitioner if you experience severe headaches because they could signify a more serious condition. Muscle pain: Muscle aches and pains are other common symptoms of Chikungunya. The pain is often felt in the arms and legs, making it difficult to move around. In order to relieve the pain, you can take over-the-counter pain medication suggested by your doctor. Joint swelling: Swelling of the joints is another symptom of Chikungunya. The swelling is usually seen in the hands, wrists, and feet. Rash: Usually starts on day two or three of the illness. The rash is often itchy and can spread over the entire body. In some cases, the rash may be accompanied by small blisters. Chikungunya is a viral disease spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. You should always consult the problem with a doctor if you experience any of the symptoms listed above. Early treatment and diagnosis are important to prevent serious complications.  There is no specific treatment for Chikungunya, but the symptoms can be treated with pain relievers and fever-reducing medicines. What are the Causes Of Chikungunya Cause?   There can be many causes of Chikungunya. It is caused by the chikungunya virus, but the most common one is infection by the chikungunya virus transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito. People who live in or travel to areas where the virus is present can become infected if they are bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. The virus is then transmitted to the person’s bloodstream, where it can cause fever, joint pain, and other symptoms. Below are some of the most general causes of Chikungunya. Infection by the chikungunya virus: The chikungunya virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, and it can cause fever, joint pain, and rash. In some cases, Chikungunya can also lead to more serious complications such as pneumonia or meningitis. Other causes: There are other viruses that can cause chikungunya-like symptoms, such as dengue fever virus and Zika virus. In addition, certain medications (such as quinine) can also cause chikungunya-like symptoms. Treatment for Chikungunya typically involves relieving symptoms and supporting the immune system. Till now, there is no specific cure or solution for the virus, so prevention is the best way to protect against it. To reduce your risk of Chikungunya, you can take steps to avoid mosquito bites and limit your exposure to areas where the virus is present. Is Chikungunya deadly?   In most cases, this infection is not fatal, and those who get infected often recover on their own. Also, someone who has once contracted Chikungunya is unlikely to become infected again. It is essential to see a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear to rule out other diseases that might have similar symptoms but require different treatments, such as dengue fever. Although not usually fatal, Chikungunya causes painful and debilitating symptoms. Some patients experience unbearable joint pain for months and even years after infection. In some cases, pain and swelling can lead to disability. Children, the elderly, and people with underlying medical conditions (such as hypotension or heart disease) are most susceptible to infection. If Chikungunya strikes such a vulnerable person, it can lead to life-threatening complications. Chikungunya Prevention   Most healthy adults infected with this virus do not require hospitalization. But the pain during illness can be so severe that patients must stay at home in bed for a week or even several weeks.  In addition, patients need to drink enough liquids; otherwise, the fever can lead to dehydration. Often infected people are advised to sleep surrounded by mosquito nets and use other measures to prevent the spread of the disease. The infected need thorough care. Intense pain and intense heat can lead to weakness, dehydration, and sometimes other complications, especially if the patient has underlying medical conditions. It is especially important for the elderly and individuals with serious health problems to be under medical supervision, as they may develop breathing problems or other complications caused by fever and pain. Diagnosis of Chikungunya   There are two common tests available for diagnosis of Chikungunya i.e., detection of antibodies and detection of viral RNA. Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. offer the following tests: Chikungunya IgM antibody and Chikungunya RNA detection by RTPCR. Detection of IgM antibodies is a screening test and a positive test should be confirmed by PCR. IgM antibodies rise in 3-4 days and may persist beyond 3 months. RTPCR is the test of choice as it detects infection earlyon and is diagnostic.  Prevention and treatment of Chikungunya   Prevention of Chikungunya starts with avoiding mosquito bites. The prevention can be done in the following ways: During "mosquito season" and when travelling to epidemically affected countries, use a variety of repellents, including products with DEET, Para methane diol, picaridin, IR3535, and lemon eucalyptus oil. All of the above can be quite effective, but be sure to follow the instructions on the package. Try to choose accommodation with mosquito nets on the windows or air conditioning when travelling. You can install mosquito nets on windows, doors, and above the bed for added protection. Wear long sleeves and trousers. If the skin is covered as much as possible with clothes, you will be less attractive to mosquitoes. In addition, their proboscis passes through clothes with difficulty, if at all. Read about Chikungunya before you travel. Find out in advance when to take extra precautions. At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can learn more about where this infection occurs and its epidemics. If you are travelling to areas where Chikungunya is common, use additional methods to prevent mosquito bites. For example, ensure the hotel has mosquito nets or air conditioners and gets plenty of quality repellents. If you're going to be outdoors, use coils, sprays, insect repellants, citronella candles, and mosquito traps. Use all possible protection methods simultaneously, as any one will always be insufficient. Be especially vigilant during daytime activities. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the two mosquito species most commonly spreading Chikungunya and are most active during the day. Protect babies and young children. If you are traveling or going outside with small children, take additional precautions to prevent mosquito bites. Dehydration is a common complication of Chikungunya. Therefore, it is essential to drink enough fluids when you have this infection. If you have a fever, drink plenty of fluids such as water, juice, and soup. You can also use an electrolyte solution to replace the lost fluids and minerals. If you have an underlying medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions. These conditions can complicate the course of Chikungunya and lead to serious complications. Is there a vaccine for Chikungunya?   There is no such vaccine yet, and there is no specific treatment. However, visit a doctor at the first symptoms similar to Chikungunya. The hospital will help you manage your symptoms. You may need to be hospitalized if you have an underlying medical condition. Prevention of Chikungunya with mosquito control   One of the most effective ways to prevent this infection is to reduce the number of mosquitoes and, consequently, their bites. To do this, you can do the following: Destroy standing water. Shallow pools, puddles, and buckets are great breeding grounds for mosquitoes. If water has collected in a flower pot or even in a bottle cap, it is better to pour it out so as not to give mosquitoes a chance to breed. Wear light-colored clothing. Mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors, so it is best to wear light colors when you are outdoors. Light colors reflect heat, so you will also be cooler, and it will be easier to spot mosquitoes if they land on your clothing. Reduce the amount of water near your home. Do you have bird drinkers or a pool? The moving water in the fountains does not attract mosquitoes, and the water in the pools, too, is properly and regularly cleaned. But bird shelves, rain barrels, and animal bowls can cause problems. So that mosquitoes do not want to lay their eggs in these places, you should regularly change the water in the drinkers and cover rain barrels so insects cannot get there. Use mosquito traps. The cornerstone in the fight against Chikungunya is to reduce the number of mosquitoes and their bites. One of the options for such a fight is mosquito traps. All traps work differently. Mosquito killers from Mosquito Magnet, for example, attract blood-sucking insects by emitting heated and moistened carbon dioxide and then suck the bloodsuckers into a mesh inside themselves, where the latter dry out and die. The traps are designed to mimic human breathing, which is where female mosquitoes fly.  The more females are killed, the fewer bloodsuckers will be able to breed. The number of mosquitoes on the site will decrease significantly, especially if a sufficiently high impenetrable fence surrounds your yard. Unlike sprays and repellents, traps can work effectively in all weather conditions 24/7. Chikungunya is a serious disease that can affect a person's health for days, months, or even years. The pain that comes with this virus can be so intense that it can lead to serious conditions that can be life-threatening. Before travelling, learn more about Chikungunya epidemics and take timely measures to prevent them. The only truly effective method of protecting against Chikungunya and other mosquito-borne diseases is to reduce the number of mosquitoes near your home. One solution to this problem is mosquito traps from Mosquito Magnet, and these devices work 24/7 to reduce the mosquito population on your property and protect you from disease. Conclusion After reading this article, you know what Chikungunya is, how it is transmitted, and what methods can be used to prevent it. Be sure to take all the necessary measures to protect yourself from this disease, and if you have any symptoms similar to Chikungunya, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. We have also told you about mosquito traps, which can help in the fight against Chikungunya.  In some situations, mosquito traps are the only effective way to reduce the number of mosquitoes near your home and protect yourself from disease. Some people might say that mosquito traps are expensive, but when you compare the cost of a trap to the cost of treatment for Chikungunya, the traps are a bargain.  So don't wait; get yourself a mosquito trap, and be sure to follow all the recommendations in this article to protect yourself from Chikungunya.


Tuberculosis and COVID: Can There Be Some Associations

Ever since WHO declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as pandemic we have seen the virus upending everyday life across the globe and affecting everyone as we speak. The prolonged periods of social isolation have changed the way we live our everyday lives. While it continues to mutate and produce successive waves of infection, it persists to pose a great threat to mankind across the globe. Even with a great global initiative of vaccinating billions of people, experts aren’t sure as to what we should expect next. The COVID virus is still finding its way into our lives. Get tested if you doubt having symptoms. Book COVID RT-PCR here.   Over the past couple of years global efforts have been put forward to understand the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of covid19. It is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2), a member of the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) family. The members of this viral family, have been known to produce respiratory, enteric, hepatic and neurological disease in several animals and on occasions have shown ability to cross species and affect humans. To date only 7 types of coronaviruses have been found to cause disease in humans. The members of this viral family are a common pathogen to cause common cold in humans. The symptoms in affected individuals are mostly limited to respiratory tracts with fever, sore throat, and body aches being common. Some individuals may even remain asymptomatic or may have mild abdominal discomfort. Studies have shown that in most asymptomatic individuals and those recovering after milder symptoms, the virus remains localised to the upper respiratory tract and seldom reaches the lung. However, in the lungs, the virus attacks the type 2 epithelial cells hampering normal gas exchange and causing oxygen desaturation in the body. Still, why some individuals develop the pulmonary phase of disease or develop massive cytokine storm whereas most others get away with much milder courses of disease is less understood.   COVID and TB As COVID 19 presents with predominant respiratory symptoms, it becomes imperative to keep another older airborne disease of tuberculosis in mind. Both of them affect the lungs and have overlapping symptoms like fever, weight loss and sore throat such that at times distinguishing tuberculosis symptoms from COVID-19 becomes difficult. Think that long-standing coughs are due to exposure to TB bacteria? Book a Genexpert test and clear all doubts.     Apart from the various clinical similarities in presentation, both the diseases are also affected by identical social determinants like overcrowding, poor hygiene and comorbidities. So we should always keep TB symptoms and treatment in mind while treating COVID-19 patients. Certain studies suggest that patients affected with TB are not only more likely to be infected with COVID-19 but are also more susceptible to adverse COVID outcomes. So it becomes imperative to identify both the clinical entities separately although both of them affect the lungs but they have separate tests with Tuberculosis treatment entirely separate from protocols for managing COVID-19 along with distinct clinical outcomes. TB treatment might involve taking a number of medications for 6 to 12 months and needs strict adherence to the medicine schedule. In recent times diagnosis of TB have seen a paramount shift and Genexpert mtb is the most commonly performed test. The Genexpert test is a fully automated advanced genetic method for diagnosis of TB using relatively small quantities of sample in a relatively small span of time. It not only allows rapid diagnosis but also provides information regarding rifampicin resistance, so it’s also called MTB rif commonly. Genexpert TB test detects both live and dead TB bacilli as well as distinguishes them from the non-tubercular bacilli. With global efforts likely diverted to tackle this pandemic it is expected to have a huge and everlasting impact on global tuberculosis control targets, meaning millions of new cases may go undiagnosed globally. Need to book a test and know the TB test price? Check at Some experts and studies have recommended routine screening for TB among suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in countries with high TB burden. It is pivotal that the world does not take its eyes off TB during the pandemic. As TB still remains to be a leading cause of death globally, efforts need to be redirected in missing out on diagnosis of these new cases with help of tuberculosis tests as well as providing support to existing ones.   Take a little extra care ThoughCOVID is caused by a virus and TB due to a bacteria, the risk of both infections can be reduced by using a few simple precautions: ● Good ventilation in the residential area and indoors ● Maintain personal hygiene. Cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing reduces the spread of germs ● Get tested and consult a doctor on suspecting symptoms.

Health Wellness

How Do You Know If it is Omicron: Are the Symptoms Any Different?

Amid the coronavirus disease surge, it is sometimes challenging for a layman – when faced with symptoms also resembling that of common cold or influenza – to be sure of whether they are infected with Omicron. With weekend curbs and night curfew being relaxed again, we should be still on track to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Whether Delta or Omicron, knowing about the symptoms and getting tested remains the key to fight against COVID. Accolades to the Government of India’s successful vaccination drive, though the cases are restricted but we still find Omicron showing flashes of the Delta variant. With much under discussion with respect to the symptoms, severity and effect of the dose of vaccine for this new variant, the rising cases have stirred certain fear and panic among the people, owing to the uncertainty following it. With the strain being relatively new, and data being limited, looking at the number of cases, in the current scenario, expert’s advice to get vaccinated and follow the COVID protocols seriously.   Are the symptoms of Omicron any different from the previous variants? Omicron – the new, highly transmissible variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has taken the world by storm, driving up daily COVID-19 cases in exceptional measures. Although there currently is a debate among public health professionals and infectious diseases experts on how “mild” the Omicron variant really is on humans, a number of medical researches have pointed to its feeble attack on the lungs that could make it less dangerous than the other, more fatal variants which came prior, such as Delta. Doctors say, the symptoms caused by this Omicron virus, are more or less the same as of the other COVID variants. At large, the symptoms are common and include a sore throat, runny nose, tiredness and fatigue, and mild fever. A majority of people who have been affected by Covid-19 new Omicron variant, show mild symptoms that subside within a week. While the course is being monitored by the Government in connection with the Health department and renowned scientists and researchers, how easily the new variant spreads, what is the severity of this one, or are the current vaccines and other medications effective towards it, the data is still evolving. While the causes may be similar, there are certain signs that require medical attention when it comes to being infected with Omicron. Patients should watch out for difficulty in breathing, dip in their oxygen level, Sp02 being less than 94% in room temperature, or constant pain and uneasiness in the chest accompanied by mental confusion etc. However, experts and doctors have reported that the percentage of serious and severe patients was comparatively less than the Delta variant, especially during the second wave, cases escalated very quickly, and that such a trend has not been observed till yet in Omicron. On the other hand, kids have been seen to experience high fever that may not go too soon with medicines and cough with Omicron infections. "It is unknown whether the mild clinical syndromes or differing symptom descriptions are a result of existing immunity or altered clinical features associated with omicron infection," CDC said. Make sure to get tested and isolated under a doctor’s supervision if you see symptoms. Book COVID RT-PCR here.    Is the treatment similar? Based on the genetic makeup of Omicron, scientists believe, some treatments can remain effective, while others might not be so. Doctors at prestigious medical institutes of India, say that the treatment is mostly symptomatic. People with severe disease might require oxygen or ventilator support. In the new variant, while most people are shown to have mild to moderate symptoms, the ones who had to be hospitalised included cancer patients, low immunity or the ones suffering from chronic diseases. Most of the hospitalised ones currently are either elderly patients or ones with some existing comorbidities. The vaccines we are putting currently can protect us against the severity and prevent hospitalizations leading to deaths. With the Omicron variant, however, we are seeing a breakthrough in those who have already fallen a victim to the previous variants. With uncertainty looming over the variants, its causes, and medications, it is best advised to get yourself fully vaccinated, as to reduce the severity and the chances of getting hospitalised. Especially with the emergence of this new variant, the importance of vaccinations and boosters cannot be stressed enough.    Prevention being better than cure In wake of this new variant, epidemiologists and virologists say that vaccination is the best way to tackle the pandemic situation. Doctors’ advice to continue wearing masks, following social distancing and hand hygiene. While with Omicron’s immune evasion capabilities, the chances of reinfection have increased, vaccines will largely protect everyone.  In the coming months, with fluctuations in temperature, respiratory infections, coughs and cold are common. One might misjudge them to be weather related, or what could actually be in the form of Covid symptoms, so it is best to get tested, avoid cramped, closed and crowded places, wear proper medicated masks, practice hygienic measures and stay safe.   The RT-PCR tests continue to remain the most steadfast and accurate way of detecting a potential Covid-19 infection. Book your slot here.


How to Know if Your Fever is Due to Dengue or COVID-19? Doctors’ Speak

Fever is a common occurring during monsoon season, and before COVID-19 era, people often got sick with fever and were suspect either a viral or a seasonal illness. However, COVID-19 pandemic has changed the outlook of individuals towards fever. It has now become a compulsion for people to know about the cause of their fever. Fever in this ongoing monsoon season has also prompted doctor to consider other tropical diseases like dengue. Dengue, like COVID-19 is a viral illness and is associated with fever as the main symptom. Owing to several similarities between the two, COVID-19 has posed a greater challenge in diagnosing dengue this monsoon. Therefore, doctors also advice patients to get investigated these days for the cause of fever, however, without panic and fear. Stay monsoon ready with our Fever test panels. Find the exact cause of your fever here. Moreover, not only it is important to distinguish between COVID-19 and dengue, but it is also crucial to identify their coexistence as coinfection with these two diseases may alter the course of illness and can lead to severe complications. Although both dengue and COVID-19 are capable of causing severe illness, the clinical management for patients who develop a severe illness with either of these two diseases is different. Therefore, it is of utmost important to contact your doctor immediately, if you have fever this season. COVID-19 and dengue are considered very similar, especially within the first 24 to 48 hours from symptom onset. Both of the illness ranges from mild to moderate with common symptom of fever. CharacteristicsCOVID-19DengueType of illnessBoth are viral illnesses.CauseIt a respiratory illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2It is an illness caused by any of 4 types of dengue viruses, Dengue virus 1, 2, 3, and 4.TransmissionIt can be transmitted from person to person via respiratory droplets. An infected individual can spread it while coughing, sneezing, or talking.It is transmitted to people through the bites of infected Aedes species mosquitoes (mainly Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus species).Likelihood of getting infectedAlthough people are getting infected with different strains of SARS-CoV-2, reports are imprecise if antibodies created from a COVID-19 infection can provide protection against getting infected again.People who cannot follow physical distancing (living in closed small areas) or living or traveling to an area with uncontrolled community spread of virus are at an increasef risk of catching the infectionAn individual can be infected with a dengue virus multiple times in his lifetime.Period of incubationThe incubation period for COVID-19 was earlier considered up to 14 days, with a median of 4-5 days from exposure to start of symptoms.The incubation period for dengue ranges between 3-10 days, usually 5-7 days. Clinical Course  Illness of both dengue and COVID-19 can range from mild to severe.Signs and SymptomsFever or chillsCough Sore throat Difficulty breathingFatigueBody acheHeadacheLoss of taste or smellCongestion or runny noseNausea or vomitingDiarrhea  FeverMuscle painHeadache with eye painNauseaVomitingRashDecrease in disease-fighting cells in the blood  Warning signs (Consult a doctor immediately)Difficulty in breathingPersistent pain or pressure in the chestNew confusionInability to wake or stay awakePale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin toneStomach painVomiting (at least 3 times in 24 hours)Bleeding from the nose or gumsBlood in vomit or stoolFeeling tired, restless, or irritableSevere illnessSevere complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can develop in 8 to 12 days.   Signs and symptoms for severe illness include:   Dyspnea (Shortness of breath)Deficiency of oxygen reaching tissuesShock Pneumonia leading to respiratory failureMultiorgan system failure.In people with severe illness, rapid worsening may be seen within 48 hours after 3–7 days after fever onset.   Signs and symptoms for severe illness include: Shock caused by plasma leakageFluid accumulation in lungsSevere bleeding with deficiency of platelets in the bloodSevere organ injury such as liver diseaseReduced consciousnessHeart diseases.Risk Factors for Severity of diseaseAge, especially individuals older than 65 years of ageMedical conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, hypertension, stroke, liver disease, obesity, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, or immunocompromised state such as HIV, cancer treatment, smoking, etc.  Age (Small babies are more prone to illness)Dengue infection for second timeChildren and young adults are at greater risk for a second dengue infectionPatients with chronic medical conditions, including diabetes, asthma, or heart diseasePeople living or travelling in tropical areas. To summarize. Although the symptoms of COVID-19 and dengue overlap each other, the fever in dengue is usually accompanied with diarrhea, vomiting, joint pain, headache etc. On the other hand, you can experience the loss of smell and taste, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc. when infected with COVID-19. You can check your oxygen saturation levels with the help of pulse oximeter, if the levels are reduced, it can be considered as a characteristic sign of COVID-19. However, always consult your healthcare provider to diagnose the disease accurately.

Health Wellness

Antibody Test After COVID Vaccine: Making Sense of the Results

As more and more people are getting vaccinated against COVID-19 across the country and restrictions being relaxed, there has been a rise in the demand for COVID-19 antibody tests. Although antibody tests are typically taken after a person recovers from COVID-19, some people are now taking them prior to getting vaccinated, while some are getting the tests done after receiving the vaccination, to check the effectiveness of vaccines, and their potential against mutant viral strains. You may also be tempted to take an antibody test to check out whether your COVID vaccine was successful or not. However, there are mixed thoughts by doctors on whether antibody testing after vaccination would offer you any benefit or not. What is a COVID antibody test? Diagnostic tests for COVID-19, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can detect the viral genetic material present in the mucus and saliva whereas antibody tests, also known as serological tests can detect whether or not a person has been previously exposed to the virus or has recovered from the infection. It has been estimated that these antibodies typically can be found seven to 11 days after infection. Antibody tests typically measure two proteins created by the immune system- IgG and IgM. They can aid in evaluating the level of protective immunity an individual may have. This, in turn, is prompting people to undergo antibody testing after COVID-19 vaccination. How are antibody tests performed? Antibody tests are performed by drawing a blood sample from an individual, which is examined in a laboratory to check if the antibodies to COVID-19 are present or not. What an antibody test can and can’t signify? A positive antibody test is a sign that your immune system has fought off the virus either recently or in the past whereas a negative result signifies that there were not sufficient antibodies in your blood to diagnose an earlier COVID-19 infection or exposure. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests that currently authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to determine a person’s level of immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time and particularly after the person has received a COVID-19 vaccination. It is debatable and warrants further studies to appraise how long antibodies stay around in an individual’s body after getting infected with the coronavirus, or how much protective immunity those antibodies can provide. Investigators have suggested that the available COVID-19 vaccines target the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, so unless the antibody test is checking for antibodies specific to that protein, the outcome of the test does not hold any specific benefit. On the contrary, the majority of laboratories usually test for anti-nucleocapsid antibodies, which are produced by natural infection rather than created by the vaccine. Metropolis COVIPROTECT test looks for anti-SARS-CoV2 spike proteins specifically. Book here. FDA recommendations regarding antibody testing If you have not been vaccinated: A positive result from an antibody test does not specify that you have a specific amount of immunity or protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection If your lab test shows a positive test result on a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test, it may suggest that you were previously infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus Always talk to your doctor about the meaning of your SARS-CoV-2 antibody test results. If you have been vaccinated: If you have a positive result on a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test, possibility is that you may have been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 A COVID-19 vaccination may also lead to a positive antibody test result for few but not all antibody tests However, you should not deduce the results of your positive SARS-CoV-2 antibody test as a sign of a specific level of immunity or protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection Talk to your doctor if you have queries about whether an antibody test is the correct test for you. Possible Risks of Inappropriately Using SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Results Currently authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests results should not be used to calculate an individual’s level of immunity or protection from COVID-19 infection. If you misinterpret the results of the antibody test as an indication of a particular level of immunity or protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection, it increases the risk that you may get careless and take fewer precautions against SARS-CoV-2 exposure. This negligence in turn, can increase your risk of acquiring and subsequently unknowingly spreading the COVID-19 infection. Bottom line Antibody tests are an appropriate tool to check if you have been previously infected with coronavirus as many patients are recorded as asymptomatic. However, if you take COVID-19 vaccinations, these tests may not always be advantageous in measuring your body’s immune response and or protection. This is particularly true for patients with compromised immune systems. Research is undergoing to evaluate who is at risk for a low antibody response and how these issues can be improved upon. Still, COVID vaccination is your biggest weapon against the possible third wave of pandemic. Make sure you get your jab and keep following all precautions at all times.

Health Wellness

Got your COVID Vaccine? Here’s What you should do next

Since the onset of COVID-19, people around the world are taking all the necessary steps to ensure that they come out safer and stronger with each wave. Increased spreading of the virus, no ideal medicinal protocol and the emergence of several new variants are still the most difficult tasks in managing the pandemic. One of the best possible ways to safeguard yourself from the clutches of this global pandemic is to get your loved ones and yourself vaccinated. After a tiresome wait, the world now has access to multiple COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines available in the market are proven effective in preventing coronavirus infection, reducing its severity and eventually reducing the risk of people spreading it. Check how your body has responded to COVID vaccination with COVIPROTECT test. Are you fully vaccinated? Generally, you would be considered fully vaccinated after two weeks of getting the second dose in a two dose series vaccine. The vaccine enters the body and trains your immune system to recognize and fight this virus. It is said to start working after two weeks because it takes time for your body to build antibodies against the virus. Some fully vaccinated people might get COVID infection, however, the severity of disease remains fairly low. Also, if someone is on a medical prescription that affects their immune system, they may not be fully protected even after getting fully vaccinated, since their immune system is already compromised. Hence for such people, taking necessary precautions is a must continuously. Getting some side effects is fine! You can expect minor side effects after getting injected, some of them include: Pain and swelling on the arm that received the vaccine Feeling cold or having a mild fever Fatigue and body ache Headache Muscle and joint pain You may feel uneasy or have some mild side effects after getting your jabs, but there is nothing to panic, it is just a sign that your body is building protection. While these effects may cause uneasiness or pain, they are temporary and should go away in a few days’ time. Some people don’t experience any side effects; there is actually no harm in that as well. As you get vaccinated upon your turn, you must know and follow the safety guidelines before and after your shot because it has now become necessary that we are at our preventive best. What to do after getting vaccinated? While those of us who have gotten vaccinated know the procedure of staying at the vaccination centre for 20-30 minutes, it is usually to check that we aren’t developing or experiencing any side effects. Severe side effects might be rare but they can include itching, fainting, vomiting, some allergic or counter reaction to the injection, difficulty in breathing etc. The waiting period is meant to help you in times like these so that you have a qualified helping hand immediately at your disposal. Currently being fully vaccinated is a big achievement for us, our family and our community because by getting vaccinated we are not only protecting ourselves but our loved ones around us too. Now, when you are vaccinated, remember this might hamper your ability to perform your daily activities for the next 2-3 days. Some people may develop mild fever or redness and a slight tingling sensation at the site of the injection, you can take a paracetamol to calm that pain and sensation. After getting vaccinated, even if you aren’t able to relate to any of these symptoms, it is important to keep yourself fully hydrated and drink lots of fluids. If the pain or fever persists, you may consult your doctor. If you feel your arm is aching and want to reduce that pain, you may apply a cool and clean cloth over the injected area, to help ease the discomfort. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking for at least 2-3 days after getting vaccinated. Wear light clothes and swing your arm a little to avoid inflammation. Download your vaccination certificate and keep it safely with you, digitally or in hard copy. The vaccine is a shield against the coronavirus; it is very important and can’t be stressed enough that even after getting fully vaccinated, you have to remember to continue taking preventive measures, especially in crowded places. Also, antibodies do not develop immediately after the first or second dose, hence there can be no leniency in following the COVID safety protocols. Antibodies against COVID-19 can be detected in your body for months. Even if the antibody counts decline, there is no need to worry. Because your white blood cells multiply rapidly to produce more white blood cells and antibodies whenever a COVID-19 virus infects your body again. It is important to receive a full course of vaccination to achieve this kind of immunity. So, continue to follow these for self protection: Wear a mask when stepping out of your house Carry a hand sanitizer with you always and wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds as often as you can Maintain social distancing to prevent the virus from being transmitted to others or from others Many people out there are still skeptical about getting vaccinated, knowing the mild symptoms that follow after being given the shot, it is quite natural but understanding some do’s and don’ts  after getting vaccinated helps a lot. If you are fully vaccinated, you might resume activities that you used to do before the pandemic, you can also travel following the state or the local government’s rules and regulations. All of us want to go back to our normal lives especially after how the last year has passed. But in order to do that, we must get fully vaccinated to stay safe and sail through life during the pandemic. Stay safe! Stay strong!

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