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DHT (Dihydrotestosterone): What It Is, Side Effects & Levels



Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a crucial factor in the development of male sexual structures. Disruptions in DHT levels can lead to various complications, which can vary depending on the individual's age and stage of sexual development. To ascertain your DHT levels accurately, it is advisable to undergo a DHT test. 

What is DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)?  

Dihydrotestosterone is a pivotal hormone essential for the sexual maturation process within the human body. DHT, classified as an androgen, is responsible for developing male genes and characteristics. From the fetus to adulthood, DHT levels play a significant role in sexual development. 

The DHT levels keep changing as you go through various stages in life. Dihydrotestosterone in females is still not yet well understood. Doctors and scientists are trying to figure out its role in the female body and pubic hair growth. 

What Does DHT Do to Your Body?

DHT testosterone has a significant role in the male body. Having the right amount of DHT is crucial for male sexual development. Compared to testosterone, DHT doesn’t play a huge role in adulthood. The only two significant changes that one can see in adulthood are in hair loss patterns and prostate enlargement.   

DHT and Fetal Development  

The dihydrotestosterone test is crucial in both males and females during pregnancy. All the hormones play a huge and unique role in the sexual differentiation of the child. In the male body, DHT is a key hormone in blocking the female anatomy. It causes the level of male hormones to rise.  

DHT is responsible for the formation of male genitals such as the penis and scrotum. The process starts within the fetus according to the level of DHT.   

Therefore, both parents must get the DHT blood test done during the pregnancy stage, as an inadequate or high amount of DHT might be concerning. 

DHT and Puberty  

 During puberty, the male child goes through a lot of physical changes, right from penis to scrotum growth. It is an important androgen for facial hair growth, chest and back hair, and pubic hair development. 

Females with a deficiency in DHT may observe delay in the menstruation process and less body hair. However, having a high DHT testosterone level is also problematic in females.   

What Happens when DHT Levels are High? 

DHT level test is essential to find the dihydrotestosterone low, high, or normal level in your body. If you see a high level in your blood, it can mean you could be suffering from: 

  • Androgenic alopecia 

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia 

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS

Excess dihydrotestosterone fat also causes these conditions in the male and female body. 

DHT and Benign Prostate  

Another common condition caused due to high levels of DHT is benign prostrate. This condition causes symptoms like difficulty in starting to pass urine, a weak stream of urine, urinating more often, being unable to empty the bladder, and needing to pee often at night.  

The growth of the prostate is attributed to the activity of DHT, which stimulates the growth of epithelial and stromal cells. This growth is further influenced by the combined effect of DHT and estrogen. Notably, estrogen is present in males as well. 

Prostate enlargement can be treated with medications such as finasteride and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors for decreased estrogen levels. However, do consult a doctor before taking any medication. 

DHT and Prostate Cancer 

With an increase in DHT level, the chances of prostate cancer also increase. A high level of DHT increases prostate and leads to genetic mutations. These mutations grow your prostate to an unimaginable level and hence lead to prostate cancer.  

DHT and Androgenic Alopecia 

 Androgen is the hormone responsible for hair growth during puberty. However, hair follicles do not react the same way to androgens. If males have a high level of DHT, they may observe growth of beard and baldness. However, there are medications to control DHT levels and improve hair growth in males. 

But, these medications may harm other hair follicles of your body, such as the scalp. It may reduce the growth of body hair and also decrease hair growth on the head. 


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition of hormonal imbalance in females. It usually happens after hitting puberty and during the adolescent stage. In this condition, the androgen and testosterone hormones are secreted in excess. This results in increased levels in a DHT test.   

The various symptoms an individual with PCOS faces are: 

  • Irregular periods 

  • Increase in facial and unwanted hair in the back. 

  • Acne in the chin area 

  • Increase or decrease in weight 

  • Mood swings 

  • Male pattern baldness 

  • Loss or increase in appetite 

What Happens when DHT Levels are Low? 

You may also experience low levels of dihydrotestosterone in your body. In such a scenario, you might experience the following: 

  • 5-alpha reductase deficiency 

  • Low testosterone 

  • High progesterone 

The lower levels of DHT usually affect the male body. It is also assumed that a lower level of DHT in children can delay the signs of puberty. Hence you must undergo a DHT level test in case of any symptoms. 

DHT and 5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency  

The enzyme 5-alpha reductase is in charge of turning testosterone into DHT. Low or high levels of DHT in your body depend on the production of such enzymes. Hence, it is known as 5-alpha reductase deficiency. 

A child born with 5-alpha reductase deficiency faces these health conditions: 

  • Underdeveloped genitals 

  • Dysfunctional testicles 

  • No or small prostate size  

DHT and Low Testosterone  

When the conversion of testosterone occurs, the subsequent decrease in testosterone levels results in corresponding low dihydrotestosterone levels. This condition, characterised by lower-than-optimal testosterone levels, is medically termed male hypogonadism. 

The other two important hypogonadism types are classical and late-onset. 

At different ages, male hypogonadism has other side effects. If you’re suffering from this condition, reach out to the best doctor for dihydrotestosterone treatment. 


In conclusion, if you observe any symptoms of low or high dihydrotestosterone in your child, get a test done immediately. Your specialist will recommend various tests to know DHT levels. Make sure you find the best diagnostic lab in your area for the tests. 

Metropolis Labs is a renowned diagnostic company in India where you will find the top pathologists. All kinds of tests, such as blood, urine, and stool tests, are available at Metropolis and the results will be available within 24 hours. You can book the appointment either online or offline for the DHT test.

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