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Dear Women, this is why it is extremely important to take care of YOU and your health



A woman juggles multiple roles and relationships in her life - a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, homemaker, professional - these are the traditionally accepted roles of women all over the world.

Over the years, women are more determined to pursue education and follow their interests in the field of their choice. This new dimension adds to a woman’s responsibilities and tasks.

Women are now into demanding jobs like managerial positions, head of institutions, administration, media, science, academics, research etc., but she also expected to be a good homemaker. Women drain themselves in maintaining a balance.

In 2018 GCI Health launched the HealthiHer movement, conducting a survey which concluded that almost 97% of women experienced a moderate to high level of stress, citing family responsibilities and stress on the job as the two were the top contributing factors. Workload on Indian women is much more than their male counterparts.

So, what do we do ladies?

Give yourself up to the ‘Stress’ and expose ourselves to associated diseases??


Put your Health on Priority. Neglecting your health exposes you to various diseases and risks and that is the last you want, right?

  1. Manage stress better – Plan in advance and learn to prioritize
  2. Meditate or practise yoga setting aside even 10 minutes leaves you calmer to start the next day
  3. Quit fad diets and sugars
  4. Eat fresh – Eat home cooked meals, avoid eating processed foods and junk meals
  5. Find at least 30 minutes per day to exercise or a cardio activity
  6. Attend menstrual discomfort/ irregularities. Consult a gynaecologist.
  7. Get enough sleep – to heal and repair your body
  8. Stay hydrated
  9. Do not skip meals

Our special women's health check-up includes a list of comprehensive tests like Thyroid, Vitamin D, FSH and more for women of all ages to detect any onset of diseases. Avail the blood collection at home service to get a health check-up as per your convenience.

Women must get medical tests /regular screening done on time. It is highly recommended that women must take the following medical screening tests once they have crossed 35 years of age:

1. Pelvic Examination

2. Breast Examination

3. Bone Density Test

4. Thyroid Test

5. Diabetes Screening

6. Lipid Profile Tests

7. Vitamin D Test

8. Heart-Health Test

It is not a myth - women really are better than men at multitasking!! According to a research paper in the journal BMC Psychology, women were faster and better organised than men when switching rapidly between tasks in tests by UK psychologists.

Let's keep this trend going the way it is, don’t let stress and neglect bring us down!!          

For ore on Women's Health checkup, click here

Contributed by Dr. Bhavana Sontakke, Gynecologist

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