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When to Take a Pregnancy Test? Tips, Advantages & Disadvantages



Wondering whether your missed period could mean a pregnancy can be an anxious time, and if you are waiting for that positive pregnancy testeach day feels like an eternity.

pregnancy test is a sure-shot way to find out if you are pregnant or not. But many factors must be considered before taking the test: the best time to take it and which type of test to use. We will explore everything from when to take a pregnancy test, the options available, costs, and accuracy. Just keep reading to stay informed!

Pregnancy tests are a common way for women to determine if they are pregnant. However, there are various options when and how you want to take a pregnancy test, and factors such as cost and accuracy should be considered.

What is a Pregnancy Test?

pregnancy test checks for the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a female body. From the start of conception, noticeable and invisible physical changes happen to accommodate the growth of cells that will turn into your baby. Something that takes place shortly after conception is the production of hCG. This development chemical is only found in pregnant women and starts to develop once the fertilized egg embeds in the uterus — about ten days after conception.

How Does The Pregnancy Test Work?

A pregnancy test kit works by detecting the amount of hCG in a woman's urine or blood. In most cases, a home pregnancy test kit will use a woman's urine to confirm hCG levels. A healthcare provider may also use a blood test during pregnancy to determine the level of hCG present and track the progress of the pregnancy.

Types of Pregnancy Tests

There are several pregnancy tests available in the market. However, the two main pregnancy tests often used at home are urine and blood tests. Urine tests known as "stick" or "strip" tests can be purchased from pharmacies and supermarkets for around INR35-250. Blood tests, which are more accurate but require a trip to your healthcare provider, can cost between INR500-1,500.

When it comes to accuracy, both urine and blood tests are highly reliable when used correctly and at the right time. For the best positive pregnancy test, try urine tests with an accuracy rate of 99% when taken on or after your first missed period.

On the other hand, blood tests can detect pregnancy even earlier with an accuracy rate of around 97% or higher.

No matter which test you use, you must follow the instructions carefully and read the results within the designated time frame. If your test result is positive, make an appointment with your healthcare provider to confirm and discuss the next steps in your pregnancy journey. And if the test result is negative, but you still suspect you might be pregnant, it may be worth taking another test a few days later or checking in with your healthcare provider.

One option for taking a pregnancy test is to wait until your missed period. This is often the most accurate time to take the test, as it allows enough time for the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), to build up in your urine.

However, some tests can detect hCG earlier than a missed period. This is known as early detection or sensitive test.

As for timing, it's best to wait until your first missed period before using a pregnancy test kit. This is because the levels of hCG (hormone human chorionic gonadotropin) in your urine will be high enough for an accurate result. However, some tests claim to detect lower hCG levels and can give results as early as 6-8 days after conception.

Tips When Taking a Pregnancy Test

Urine Test Tips

  • Follow package instructions carefully
  • Take the test first thing when you wake up in the morning when your urine is most concentrated and easily detected.
  • Use a reliable and reputable brand
  • Don't drink too much fluid before taking the test, as it can dilute the levels of hCG in your urine
  • Be sure to check the expiration date on the package

Blood Test Tips

  • Blood tests should be done at your healthcare provider's office
  • Results are often available within 24 hours
  • Blood levels of hCG can vary throughout the day, so it's best to have a blood test done in the morning
  • Follow any additional instructions given by your healthcare provider

What are The Advantages of Using a Home Pregnancy Test?

Regardless of your expectation from a pregnancy test, going to a clinic to take one can waste precious hours and effort. However, you can do all that from the comfort of your home and get that positive pregnancy test result you have been awaiting. Here are a few advantages of using a home pregnancy test kit:

  • Convenient and private
  • Quick results
  • Affordable

What are The Disadvantages of Using a Home Pregnancy Test?

  • It may not be as accurate as a blood test.
  • Potential for user error in reading the results or following instructions.
  • It cannot confirm multiple pregnancies (such as twins) as a blood test can.


No matter which type of pregnancy test kit you choose, it's essential to follow the instructions carefully and remember that a positive pregnancy test result should always be confirmed with a healthcare provider. If the test result is negative, but you still think you might be pregnant, consider taking another test or checking in with your healthcare provider. Needless to say, discussing any concerns or questions with your healthcare team is crucial.

Remember, the essential thing is to take care of yourself and your growing baby during this special time. With proper planning and knowledge about when to take a pregnancy test, the options, cost, and accuracy, you are well on your way to a healthy pregnancy!

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