Preventive Healthcare
Tonsil Stones: Symptoms, Causes, Differences And Diagnosis

Tonsil stones are also called Tonsilloliths. They are small lumpy structures that get formed in the tonsils of the throat. They are hard, oval-shaped, sometimes painful bits of debris and bacteria that get stuck in the crevices of the tonsils present at the backside of the throat. They contain folds, gaps, and crevices which are named tonsillar crypts. Tonsils are made of tissue having lymphocytes which are cells that fight infections. The tonsil is a part of the immune system that assists to defend against infection. The tonsils filter out bacteria and viruses which enter the body via the mouth. The immune system is not affected by the removal of tonsils.
The main symptom of tonsil stones is foul breath. Tonsil stones can be removed by using a saltwater gargle. But if the stones keep recurring back to bother you then your doctor may suggest surgery.
The Appearance of Tonsil Stones
The tonsil stones appear like small white or yellowish pebbles. A person can have one or more than one tonsil of stones. The tonsil stones are generally small though there can be exceptions too.
Difference Between Tonsillitis And Tonsil Stones
Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsil. It can cause throat pain and foul breath. If a person has tonsillitis they will also have red, tonsils, sore throat, headache, and fever.
Who Can Have Tonsil Stones?
A person having recurring tonsillar crypts can have more tonsil stones. Tonsil stones are also common in patients who have had many infections in the tonsil in life. Tonsillitis is mostly seen in teens.
Causes of Tonsil Stones
When some kind of debris gets stuck in the tonsillar crypts that material hardens or calcifies to form stones. The trapped material can be minerals like calcium, debris, food, bacteria, or fungi. Some of the tonsil stones show no symptoms but if there are any they may include foul breath, cough, sore throat, earache, foul taste in the mouth, small, white or yellow stones in the mouth., difficulty in swallowing, a feeling of something stuck in the throat, small and whitish patches on the tonsils, infections of the throat which can't be treated by antibiotics.
Symptoms of Tonsil Stones
Sometimes small or even large tonsil stones may not show any noticeable symptoms. But some common symptoms include:-
- Foul breath - One of the main symptoms of stones in the tonsil is foul breath or halitosis which is seen with a tonsil infection.
- Sore Throat - On having both tonsil stones and tonsillitis one also gets pain in the throat.
- Cough - Tonsil stones irritate the throat and make you cough.
- White Debris - The tonsil stone present in the back of the throat is seen as a lumpy solid and white material.
- Swallowing Issue - It may be painful to swallow food or liquids depending on the location and size of the tonsil stones.
- Ear Pain - Tonsil stones can form anywhere in the tonsil. And as the nerves in the throat and ear are connected you may feel pain in the ears even though the stone does not touch the ear.
- Tonsil Swelling - During the formation of the tonsil stones the debris hardens and there is inflammation, infection, and swelling of the tonsil.
Diagnosis of Tonsil Stones
The diagnosis of stones in the tonsil is done in the given ways:-
- The doctor will conduct a physical exam by taking a look inside your mouth and throat.
- Then he would do an imaging scan if he is unable to visualize the stones easily.
- He would remove the stones with a dental tool.
Treatment For Tonsil Stones
The tonsil stone treatment mainly tries to manage the symptoms of stones in the tonsil as there is no specific treatment process for stones. You should ensure to brush your teeth regularly and gargle with salty warm water. Some home remedies to remove tonsil stones are:-
1. Gargle - By gargling with salt water the throat feels better and it is helpful to remove the stones too. It also helps to get rid of foul smells.
2. Coughing - For some people a cough can also help to loosen stones and elevate them up.
3. Using Some Tool - If gargling and coughing doesn't help to take the stones out you can use a toothbrush or even a finger to help get the stones cleared.
4. Antibiotics - These may be given as required according to the severity of the issue but they also have side effects.
5. Surgery - If the tonsil stones are very large and causing problems then they can be removed by surgery by the process of tonsillectomy.
6. Cryptolysis - In this process a laser or a radiofrequency wand is used to burn the tonsils.
Complications in Tonsil Stones
The large tonsil stones may lead to their swelling which will make it difficult to swallow anything. Tonsil stones can also start infections.
Prevention of Stones in The Tonsil
Some steps can be taken to prevent tonsils tones:-
- You should floss and brush your teeth in a routine.
- You should not smoke.
- You should gargle with salty water after every meal.
- You can utilize a water pick to clean the mouth cavity and remove the tonsil stones.
- You should keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
Tonsil stones are small lumps of material or debris that get formed on the tonsils at the backside of your throat. The main symptom of stones in the tonsil is foul breath. You may see a doctor if the home remedies for stone removal do not work and they keep recurring or if there is any kind of infection then surgical intervention may be required. A good dental habit can help to prevent the formation of stones in the tonsil. One should brush and clean the teeth regularly to remove bacteria. Gargling after eating can also prevent the formation of debris in the form of food particles.