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What is a Procalcitonin (PCT) Test? What You Need to Know



What is a Procalcitonin Test? 

A procalcitonin test, also known as a PCT blood test, is a diagnostic test that measures the level of procalcitonin in the blood. In normal circumstances, the amount of procalcitonin in your blood is very low; however, when you contract a severe bacterial infection, the cells from different parts of your body release procalcitonin into your bloodstream, which causes your PCT blood test to show high levels of procalcitonin in your blood. High levels of procalcitonin indicate signs of severe bacterial infection or sepsis in your blood.  

Sepsis, or septicemia, is your immune system's extreme response to infection, primarily due to bacteria. It indicates that the infection you have has already reached your bloodstream and triggered a reaction all over your body. This leads to inflammation and blood clots, and without timely treatment, this sepsis can rapidly damage your tissues, cause organ failure, and even death.  

An infection that leads to sepsis can often start in your lungs, skin, urinary tract, or digestive system. A procalcitonin test helps your healthcare provider correctly diagnose if you have sepsis or are at a higher risk of developing sepsis. This helps them decide what treatment they need before the condition worsens.  

What is it Used for? 

Answering what is procalcitonin blood test used for? This blood test is done to understand if you are seriously ill and may have an infection that affects the entire body, also known as a systemic infection. A procalcitonin test helps your healthcare provider understand if you suffer from a bacterial or viral disease. An example of it is bacterial or viral pneumonia, where a procalcitonin test is done to know the cause of the problem. This information is essential as antibiotics will not work for a viral infection, only a bacterial infection.  

Other uses of the procalcitonin test include: 

  • Diagnosing or ruling out a bacterial infection or sepsis 

  • Understanding how severe your sepsis infection may be 

  • Monitor your treatment and find out if it is working well  

  • Decide what treatment is best for you 

  • Diagnose signs of kidney infections in children who have urinary tract infections. 

Most often, the PCT test is carried out in the hospital for individuals who are incredibly sick and are in the emergency room or admitted to the hospital.  

Why do I Need a Procalcitonin Test? 

Your doctor will order a procalcitonin test if you display severe bacterial infection or sepsis symptoms. Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms such as: 

  • Confusion 

  • Rapid heartbeat 

  • Clammy or sweaty skin  

  • Fever or chills 

  • Low blood pressure 

  • Shortness of breath 

  • Extreme pain 

Sepsis is a major medical emergency, which is why it is essential to get timely treatment so that your condition does not worsen.  

What Happens During a Procalcitonin Test? 

A lab technician or healthcare provider will take a blood sample from your arm by pricking a small needle in your vein. A small amount of blood is then collected in a test tube or vial, which is further sent for testing. This test will take less than five minutes, and you may feel a slight pinch or sting when the needle goes in and out.  

Will I Need to do Anything to Prepare for the Test? 

As the name suggests, a procalcitonin blood test is a simple one, so you do not need to do any special preparation for this test.  

Are There Any Risks to the Test? 

A procalcitonin test has very little or no risk as it is a simple blood test. You may or may not experience slight pain or minor bruising at the spot of the needle insertion, these symptoms can quickly go away.  

What Do the Test Results Mean? 

Your procalcitonin blood test results are interpreted along with findings from other clinical evaluations and laboratory tests. If your results show levels higher than the procalcitonin test normal range, it indicates that you.  

  • Are likely to have sepsis 

  • You could have a severe systemic bacterial infection that puts you at risk of developing sepsis. 

  • You may be at high risk of developing severe sepsis and go into septic shock, which is a life-threatening condition in which not enough blood reaches your critical organs, causing them to malfunction.  

The higher your procalcitonin blood test results, the greater your risk of developing sepsis or septic shock.  

Moderate to mildly high levels of procalcitonin in your blood can indicate: 

  • Early signs of a systemic bacterial infection 

  • Any condition other than a bacterial infection that can include but is not limited to tissue damage caused by trauma, a recent surgery, severe heart attack, or serious burns.  

  • In children, these levels could also indicate kidney infection 

Low levels of procalcitonin tell you that you are not likely to develop sepsis but could have: 

  • A local bacterial infection, for example, a urinary tract infection 

  • An infection that is not caused by a bacteria 

  • Symptoms of the beginning of a systemic bacterial infection.  

For those who are undergoing treatment for sepsis or a bacterial infection, low levels of procalcitonin can indicate that your treatment is working.  

What Causes High Procalcitonin? 

Very high levels on a PCT blood test are usually seen in cases of medullary thyroid cancer. However, this test is not used as a diagnostic test, nor does it help monitor the condition. High levels on your PCT test are only an indicator of the presence of a severe bacterial infection or sepsis in the body. It doesn't help identify the bacteria causing the infection, so it cannot be used as a replacement for other laboratory tests. High procalcitonin levels can also indicate a higher probability of sepsis and bacterial infections like meningitis. Make sure to show your reports to the medical experts and let them interpret them. 


A procalcitonin test is a type of blood test used to differentiate between bacterial and viral infections in individuals who display severe symptoms of illness. It helps understand how much at risk you are of sepsis or septic shock. Metropolis Labs offers comprehensive diagnostic tests, including procalcitonin tests. Getting an early diagnosis enables you to get the proper treatment, so contact our experts today to make an appointment.  

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