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Blood Tests for Children: Accurate Diagnostics Made Easy



Most children are scared at the thought of an injection or the sight of a syringe. It complicates the process of blood tests for children, especially among younger kids below 10 years. Read this blog to learn how parents can help reduce fear among kids during general paediatric lab tests. 

Five ways parents can Calm Their children during blood tests

Most parents find it very difficult to watch their children in pain or discomfort during paediatric blood tests. While the temporary pain from the invasive wound is inevitable, providing emotional support helps make the blood collection process less stressful. Since parents are the primary comfort providers for children, helping your kids prepare for a blood test ensures prompt and easier sample collection.

Proven techniques like deep breathing, staring away from the injection or keeping your child occupied helps make a blood test for children less stressful. While the phlebotomist and the physician try their best to comfort your child, follow these parental tips given by the President and Head of Science and Innovation of Metropolis Healthcare, Dr Nilesh Shah

1. Keep your children preoccupied or distracted

If you can shift your child's attention to something else rather than the sharp needle and syringe, it will help ease their discomfort. Find something that can attract their attention or speak and play with them for at least 30 seconds. Such a distraction allows the phlebotomist to perform the blood test for children with minimum stress.

You can carry their favourite toy or give them special food such as their favourite snack or drink to make them feel comfortable and make them forget about the painful needle sensation. Also, do not promise your child anything unrealistic in exchange for staying behaved during the blood test.

2. Maintain a calm demeanour

The serene face of composure of a parent is a blessing for children when stressed. When a child looks at their mother or father, their calm face comforts them, enabling them to bear the discomfort. Remember, children look to their caregivers and reflect on their emotions. So if the parent is stressed and fearful, the child will also panic about the upcoming procedure.

Parents could say a few soothing words or hum their favourite tune to ease their anxiety. They could also promise the child a tasty treat to soothe their mood after the blood test. Remember to give them a warm hug or a peck on their forehead, as it boosts endorphins which help counter discomfort.

3. Explain to the child what to expect during a blood test

Most children don't know what to expect during common paediatric lab tests. It makes them feel stressed, worsening the trauma of a needle during blood tests. Explain to the child how the procedure takes place. Parents can also show them a video to clear their doubts about the procedure.

It is also important to ensure the child is well-fed and well-rested before the blood test. Choose loose clothes with comfortable fabric that allows ease of extraction of blood from their arm. Parents should abstain from making them wear clothes that require folding during blood tests such as long-sleeved shirts or tight dresses that may cause skin rashes from constant friction.

4. Staying with the child throughout the procedure

The best thing to do during a blood test for children is to stay with the child. If it's the first time the child is undergoing a blood test, the mere presence of a parent or a loved one gives the child the courage to bear the pain. The presence of a loved one also helps the child to cope with the unpleasant feeling of needle insertion.

Parents should ensure they are present near their children during the blood test. Holding their hands or letting them sit close to their parents brings added comfort and courage. Parents can give the experience of the diagnostic test a happy ending with an encouraging face and inspiring words to boost their child's confidence throughout. Once they are done, parents can ask them about their experience and ask them to discuss if the procedure was as painful as they imagined it would be.

5. Ensure prompt follow-up after the blood test

The role of parents doesn't end after the blood test for children. While the child feels relieved that the toughest part is over, parents should look out for potential discomfort in their child for the next 72 hours. Since most children cannot express symptoms or understand the relevance of any sudden body changes, unexplained inflammation or rash, parents need to be on the lookout for any symptoms that require immediate clinical consultation.

It is advised that caregivers stay in touch with the phlebotomist and the physician to share their feedback regarding their child's wellness after the blood test. It is also important to ensure that the puncture wound in the child's arm heals well and does not develop further bleeding or infection.

Final words

Parents have an indispensable role in preparing a child for diagnostic tests. Whether it's a blood test for a 5-year-old or a young kid below 10, the above-mentioned parental tips help ease the child's anxiety towards an injection needle. Remember to choose a trusted diagnostic facility that comprises qualified phlebotomists who are known for their child-friendly ambience. 

Remember, common paediatric lab tests for children become hassle-free when performed by the same technician. It helps the child become more comfortable with the technicians and be more at ease the next time they need to visit the lab.

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