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Everything You Need To Know About Scabies



What is scabies? 

Scabies is a skin rash, and the primary scabies cause is tiny burrowing mites known as Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites make tunnels (burrows) under your skin, which results in red bumps. As the mites lay eggs under your skin, it may result in relentless itching and rashes. This is a contagious skin disease, and hence, you have the possibility of getting this condition if you come in contact with a person facing this problem. As scabies spreads easily, your doctor will recommend treating the whole family if any one of you has this condition.

You can catch this disease in crowded places also. Animals can also get infected with scabies but the mites that infect animals can’t survive on human bodies.

Where do scabies mites live?

Mites usually live under the body folds and narrow cracks of the skin. Some of the common sites include:

  • Folds in between toes and fingers
  • Genital area and thigh folds
  • Knees and wrists bend
  • Waist area
  • Under fingernails
  • Under bracelets, watch bands, and rings
  • The area around the nipples

How do people get scabies?

It is spread through prolonged skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. A quick handshake or a hug may not spread scabies. The highest risk of getting scabies is through sexual partners or household members. You can also get this infection by sharing clothes, bedding, or towels with an infected person. But such indirect spread occurs if the infected person has crusted scabies.

What are the different types of scabies?

Below are some of the most common scabies types you must know about:

  • Crusted (Norwegian): It occurs in cases of weak immune systems. In this type, a crusted area is formed, which covers a more significant part of your skin. In the case of crusted scabies, you may have millions of scabies mites in your body.
  • Nodular: It is very common among children. You can see brown-red nodules on the body due to nodular scabies. This scabies type can remain for a longer duration even if the mites are gone.
  • Scalp: This type of scabies may not show any symptoms except for in the scalp, which may appear like psoriasis.

What are the symptoms of scabies?

The most common scabies symptoms are:

  • Severe itching, which usually occurs at night, and makes it difficult for you to sleep properly
  • Pimple-like rash on the body
  • Scales or blisters
  • Sores may appear because of continuous itching. Sometimes, an infection may develop in the sores.
  • Rashes of greyish colour or skin-coloured lines on the skin.

For the first time when you get infected with scabies, it may take 4-6 weeks for your skin to react and feel the scabies' symptoms. Children with scabies may become cranky due to itching or feel tired because of lack of sleep during the night. Most people get infected with the presence of 10-15 mites.

How can I know if I or my child has scabies?

Most scabies cases can be determined by closely monitoring your skin if there is a rash. To confirm this disease, your healthcare provider will most probably apply a mineral oil to the rash and take a tiny sample of the skin by scraping it. The sample will then be placed under a microscope to examine the mite eggs or mites.

Can I see the scabies mites?

The scabies mites are too small (around 0.3 mm in diameter) to be seen by the naked eye. They are usually creamy white in colour. You can see these mites only through a magnifying glass or under a microscope.

How is scabies treated?

You can apply a cream that contains permethrin for scabies treatment. The cream will be used on the complete body below your head. It will include hands, feet, soles, and palms. If your child has scabies, then your healthcare provider may apply the cream to the scalp. Permethrin cream is then left on the skin for around 14 hours. Usually, the cream is applied at night and washed off in the morning.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medicine which is another option to treat scabies. These pills are taken in a single dose, followed by another dose after 2 weeks. However, this medicine is not suitable for pregnant or lactating mothers. Also, if your child has a weight of less than 15 kilograms, then you shouldn’t use Ivermectin.

Your healthcare providers can also advise antihistamines, which can be taken orally and can be applied as a cream. Antihistamines are medications that are prescribed in case of allergies. You must take advice from your doctor before taking any medicines for scabies treatment.

How long does scabies last?

Through proper treatment, you can reduce scabies symptoms like itching and rash and finally treat the infection. For the first few days of the week, your rashes and itch can worsen during treatment. After 4 weeks, your skin will start healing. If the skin hasn’t healed within 4 weeks, it implies you still have mites in your body. In such a condition, you need to contact your healthcare provider to repeat the medicine doses until the infection is completely cured.

How soon does the scabies rash go away?  

Red bumps or skin rashes usually go away within 4 weeks.

How can I prevent the spreading of scabies?

Below are some ways of scabies prevention:

  • Wash your bedding, clothing, and towels regularly in hot water.
  • Ensure that the family members in touch with the infected person get checked for scabies.
  • Stay away from others in case you are infected with scabies.

What’s the difference between scabies and eczema?

Both eczema and scabies are skin infections that result in skin rashes. However, scabies happens because of parasites that invade your body. With scabies, you can see lines on your body where the burrows exist.

Unknown reasons cause eczema, and this infection can come and go seasonally. They are like red spots or blisters on the body. Eczema is not contagious like scabies. Eczema treatment involves working on the symptoms, while in scabies, your healthcare provider will make efforts to kill the mites from the body.

If you have a scabies rash, you must contact your healthcare provider to get rid of it as soon as possible. Early scabies treatment will avoid its further spreading. If you have eczema, your doctors will advise some medicines to relieve its symptoms.

Will scabies go away on its own? 

No, scabies will not go on its own. If you don’t get scabies treatment, you will probably spread it among others you come in contact with. Also, continuous itching and scratching will lead to a bacterial infection on your skin.

Is scabies hard to get rid of?

Scabies causes are treatable but may take time to go away. Certain types of scabies, like crusted form, are hard to treat. Also, you may require more than one round of treatment to ensure that the infection is completely cured.


If you notice rashes on your body and they are so itchy that you are unable to sleep, then you must contact your healthcare provider. You might have scabies. Your doctor will take the skin sample to know the exact reason behind the rashes. Your doctor will prescribe some medications and cream for scabies treatment.

If your doctor suggests a blood test, you can contact Metropolis for a home sample collection facility.

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