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Why is MAIDA / white flour bad for health?



White Flour or popularly known as MAIDA in India is basically wheat flour that is refined and chemically bleached. During the refining processes, the wheat flour is stripped of precious fibre, B Vitamins and Iron.

People regularly consuming MAIDA or White Flour increase their risk for weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and elevated cholesterol.

You could be consuming white flour without actually knowing that these processed foods are made out of Maida. Did you know that the following foods contain white flour?

  • Pizza & Pasta
  • Nans & Rotis
  • Cakes & Cookies
  • Bread
  • Burger Buns
  • Samosa
  • Noodles
  • Doughnuts

Choose a healthy & nutritious diet and undergo regular blood parameter investigations to take complete control of your health.

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  • Apollo Arab
    26 Nov 20 07:54 am

    Very interesting facts

  • Bittu
    25 Apr 21 12:49 pm

    Bhai it was nice


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