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10 Effective Ways to Control or Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally



Generally, your blood pressure is influenced by how much blood your heart is pumping and how much resistance your arteries offer to blood flow. If the resistance is increased, then blood pressure will also increase. Therefore, the narrowing of the arteries is one of the main causes of high blood pressure. The normal range of blood pressure lies between 90/60 and 120/80 mm Hg. The blood pressure observed consistently above this limit, that is, 130/80 mm Hg or more is considered high blood pressure or hypertension. 

High blood pressure in an individual may often cause serious health complications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and eye problems without showing any appreciable signs and symptoms. For this reason, it is considered a ‘silent killer’ if not diagnosed.

Managing High Blood Pressure 

Modern-day lifestyles (sedentary life) are mainly responsible for causing high blood pressure in an individual. Some people develop high blood pressure with ageing. Health conditions such as obesity and diabetes can also increase the risk of developing hypertension. Furthermore, pregnancy can also induce high blood pressure in women.

It is not always necessary to have medications for lowering blood pressure. The good news is that there are lots of easy natural ways to lower blood pressure and reduce serious health worries. Some natural ways to control high blood pressure are listed below.

1. Maintain an Active Lifestyle

Controlling blood pressure by doing physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure. Regular walking also helps to control the condition. Exercise strengthens the heart and helps to preserve normal blood circulation in the body through efficient pumping. Therefore, normal blood pressure is retained in the individual. You should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day to control your blood pressure. Cycling, jogging, swimming and dancing are some examples of exercises to keep blood pressure normal. This is effective in the case of an individual having elevated blood pressure as well as for patients with hypertension.

2. Reduce Sodium Intake and Increase Potassium Intake

It has been reported that high salt intake is associated with high blood pressure and other heart problems. Therefore, it is advisable to take a low-sodium diet (salt) for individuals having high blood pressure. Additionally, potassium intake helps your body to excrete sodium, which helps to reduce high blood vessel pressure. Thus, it is desirable to make a balance of sodium and potassium in your food to regulate your blood pressure. 

3. Avoid Caffeinated Beverage

Caffeinated beverages result in an instant increase in blood pressure. Therefore, try to avoid regular intake of caffeinated drinks. However, it causes a short-term spike in blood pressure and does not cause a permanent increase in many individuals.

4. Avoid Alcohol

Regular intake of too much alcohol causes a rise in blood pressure. Furthermore, alcoholic drinks contain high amounts of calories that can contribute to an increase in body weight that indirectly affects blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension should avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

5. Include Fermented Food in Your Diet

Eating fermented food that contains probiotics was linked with a moderate reduction in blood pressure. However, the effect is short-term. The reason might be the presence of bacteria in these foods. Fermented dairy products with yeast and different strains of bacteria are helpful as they prevent enzymes that cause an increase in blood pressure in the body.

6. Drink Sufficient Water

Drinking plenty of water can help to avoid the chances of dehydration and hence improves blood pressure. Water is the main component of the human heart (73%), thus helping in controlling blood pressure. Further, the addition of minerals like calcium and magnesium can boost its impact on controlling blood pressure.

7. Manage Stress 

Stress is one of the major culprits for raising blood pressure. When you are stressed for a longer period, your body releases several hormones. These chemicals force the heart to beat faster and constrict the blood vessels, causing hypertension for a short time. Thus, it is advisable to reduce stress as much as possible for healthy living conditions.

You should adopt the following ways to decrease your stress:

  • Enjoy light music
  • Spend time with family and friends
  • Avoid overthinking
  • Limit your working hours
  • Practice breathing exercises

8. Take Proper Sleep

Sleep is a significant factor in maintaining good health. Proper sleep makes you energetic and saves your heart health. An adult needs at least 7 hours of night sleep. Poor sleep for a long period may lead to serious health issues including hypertension.

9. Eat Dark Chocolates

Eating dark chocolate containing cocoa helps to lower your blood pressure. The flavonoid present in dark chocolate is reported to produce nitric oxide, which helps in the relaxation of blood vessels and lowers high blood pressure. It is considered to be a healthy choice until there is a balance between fats, sugar and calories.

10. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Taking a diet having more protein (whole grains, vegetables and fruits) and low fats, sugar and carbohydrates can lower blood pressure naturally. Further, fresh garlic and garlic extracts are also found to be effective in decreasing blood pressure.


Currently, a large population is affected by high blood pressure. It may occur owing to several reasons, but individuals should maintain a stable blood pressure for the good functioning of the body. You can reduce this risk of serious complications by lowering your pressure naturally. Proper food habits and lifestyle alterations are crucial steps for regulating blood pressure. However, if you are seeking medical care, then visit our website Metropolis Healthcare or book an appointment with us. Metropolis is a leading pathology laboratory and diagnostic centre, which can provide a perfect solution to your problem.

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