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Mammatyper - Therapy

In recent years numerous life-saving treatment options have been developed for the therapy of breast cancer. Today there is a wide selection of treatments available to fight each individual breast cancer type. For a personalized treatment recommendation, different approaches are selected and combined based on a sound diagnosis.

Clinical parameters guide the oncologist in assessing the suitable intervention e.g.:

  • Surgery
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy
  • Radiation therapy

In order to optimize the outcome the treatment regimen is typically complemented by a systemic therapy like:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Anti-hormone therapy
  • Targeted therapy

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BCS (Breast Conserving Surgery)
based on

Subtype Systemic Therapy Benefits of MammaTyper®
Luminal A-like Endocrine therapy Based on accurate measurement MammaTyper® supports differentiation of low risk Luminal A-like from high risk Luminal B-like by precise and reproducible MKI67 determination
Luminal B-like (HER2 negative) Endocrine therapy + Cytotoxics Accurate determination of hormone receptor > endocrine responder or non –responder Precise differentiation of low risk Luminal A-like from high risk Luminal B-like by accurate and reproducible MKI67 determination by MammaTyper®
Luminal B-like (HER2 positive) Endocrine therapy + Cytotoxics + Anti-HER2 Accurate determination of hormone receptor expression by MammaTyper® > endocrine responder or non –responder Accurate determination of ERBB2 expression by MammaTyper®
HER2 positive (non-luminal) Anti-HER2 Accurate determination of ERBB2 expression by MammaTyper®
Triple negative (ductal) Cytotoxics Accurate determination of ERBB2, ESR1, PGR expression negativity by MammaTyper®

Based on the identified molecular subtype the 13th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference (2013) Expert Panel has established clear recommendations for the choice of most effective systemic treatments.

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