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Thyroid Panel-4

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4 Panel Thyroid Test Overview

Thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that produces thyroid hormones which carry out various energy related functions in the body. Normal production of these hormones is of utmost importance for the smooth  functioning of the body. TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone  signals the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones. T3 and T4 are the thyroid hormones produced by these glands. Thyroid panel-4 is a thyroid screening test that measures the functioning of the thyroid gland using the FT4 levels TSH-3rd Gen levels.

Thyroid Panel 4 is a blood test. The profile measures the levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) or Thyrotropin and Free Thyroxine or FT4 in the blood. These two hormones are important to assess the health of the thyroid gland.

What is the Thyroid Panel 4 Test?

The thyroid gland is butterfly-shaped. It is situated in the front of the neck. It is stimulated by the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. These hormones are released by the pituitary gland. They are released to secrete thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones are Tri-iodo thyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

When the levels of T3 and/or T4 are high in the circulating blood, the pituitary releases less amount of TSH in the blood. Similarly, when the levels of T3 and/or T4 are low in the circulating blood, the pituitary releases more amount of TSH in the blood.

The thyroid panel 4 assists in evaluating the health of your thyroid. Depending on your hormone levels as measured by the thyroid panel 4 test, your doctor may suggest a treatment plan.

Written by: Dr. Shibani R, Medical Writer, Medical Affairs

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Thyroid Panel-4 Price

Metropolis Healthcare is a leading diagnostics centre and pathology lab in India equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technologies that provides the Thyroid Panel-4 with a clear pricing structure.

The Thyroid Panel-4 Price in Mumbai is ₹ 505 .

We are committed to deliver accurate and quality results from the best labs in India with complete transparency regarding test cost and turnaround time. No matter where you are, we strive to offer patients high-quality service that is affordable and accessible.

Frequently Asked Questions

The profile is mainly used to test the thyroid gland functioning. The most common scenarios where testing is carried out include:

  • Cases of suspected hypothyroidism which may present as  fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, muscle weakness, puffy face.
  • Cases of suspected hyperthyroidism which may present as unintentional weight loss, rapid heart rate, arrhythmia, palpitation, increase appetite, nervousness, irritability. 
  • For monitoring the status in thyroid patients to understand the treatment effectiveness.

A thyroid test is done for both men and women. This is done to evaluate the health of the thyroid gland. This is because nowadays lifestyle is sedentary. So thyroid function is impaired. You may be asked to undergo a thyroid panel 4 test to:

·       Evaluate thyroid health - If you have been showing symptoms like weight loss or gain, muscle tiredness, fatigue, constipation, irregular menstruation, sub-fertility, enlarged thyroid gland, increased or decreased response to varying temperature, nervousness, palpitation, hypertension, etc. it could mean that you may have hypo or hyperthyroidism.

·       Follow-up with thyroid hormone replacement – If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been prescribed medication, you may be asked to get your thyroid hormone levels tested to see if they are working for you.

·       Follow-up with anti-thyroid treatment – If you have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, this test helps your doctor to see if the overactive thyroid gland responded to the treatment.

·       Evaluate the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis – if you have been experiencing the above symptoms and have unexplained subfertility, assessing the HPT axis helps your doctor with suggesting the ideal treatment plan.

·       Manage thyroid carcinoma

4 panel thyroid test measures Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH-3rd Gen) and T4 levels in the blood. TSH results are the starting point of the diagnostic algorithm, the results show diurnal variation (test should be done at the same time of the day during follow-ups). The TSH levels impact the T4 levels as well.

4 panel thyroid test requires a blood sample. A tourniquet (elastic) band is placed tightly on the upper arm. The patient is then asked to make a fist. This helps in the build-up of blood filling the veins. The skin is disinfected before needle insertion and the blood sample is collected in vacutainer.

Results of TSH in combination of T4 are often used to diagnose primary and secondary causes of hypo & hyperthyroidism. TSH-3rd Gen levels are used for diagnosis.

TSH high: T4 low (primary hypothyroidism), T4 high (secondary hyperthyroidism)
TSH low: T4 low (secondary hypothyroidism), T4 high (primary hyperthyroidism)
TSH levels often vary with age, sex, pregnancy and some other conditions.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland secretes lesser than required amounts of tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

It is a simple blood test. It takes less than five minutes. Your doctor may tie an elastic band on your upper arm to easily spot the vein and draw blood. He/she will then disinfect the area with alcohol. They use a needle to draw blood. The levels show diurnal variation. So the test is done at the same time during follow-ups.

TSH gives a broad picture of thyroid health. FT4 gives a definitive indication. In cases where FT4 is normal, FT3 helps in assessing thyroid health.

TSH high: FT4 low (primary hypothyroidism), FT4 high (secondary hyperthyroidism)

TSH low: FT4 (secondary hypothyroidism), FT4 high (primary hyperthyroidism)

After assessing the test results, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes. He may prescribe medication or a treatment plan to treat your condition.

There are no precautions required before the thyroid panel 4 test. However, certain medications may interfere with the results. So, your doctor may ask you to avoid them a few days before the test. Speak with your doctor regarding, special requirements and precautions clearly before the test.

No. The thyroid panel 4 test is just a simple blood test. So there are no risks associated with the test.

A thyroid panel 4 test is a medical test. It helps in assessing your thyroid health. If you have been facing changes in your weight, bowel movement, menstrual cycle and response to changing hot and cold temperatures, there is a possibility that your thyroid hormone levels are out of control.

Through your test results, your doctor will be able to find if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Depending on the levels, your doctor may suggest medication to stimulate thyroid hormone secretion or suppress the secretion. He may also suggest some lifestyle changes. He may also suggest a few more tests to understand your health in detail.

People with the following symptoms should take the thyroid panel 4 test:

·       Fatigue

·       Weight gain

·       Unintentional weight loss

·       Constipation

·       Frequent bowel movement

·       Dry and flaky skin

·       Dry and thinning hair

·       Sensitive to hot and cold temperatures

·       Heavy, painful and irregular menstruation

·       Sub-fertility

·       Depression

·       Slow heart rate

·       Anxiety, nervousness

·       Arrythmia or heart palpitations

·       Sweating

·       Shaky hands

·       Muscle weakness

·       Trouble sleeping

·       Goitre or enlarged thyroid gland

Thyroid Profile


Free Thyroxine (FT4)

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

full medical check up

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