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Ovarian Reserve Profile Maxi Test

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Ovarian reserve is the number of eggs produced by the ovary in females. Ovarian Reserve Profile is a series of various hormonal tests performed to know the fertility status in females. These tests are mainly useful in patients undergoing infertility treatments.

WRITTEN BY: Dr.Shibani R Medical Writer, Medical Affairs

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Ovarian Reserve Profile Maxi Test Price

Metropolis Healthcare is a leading diagnostics centre and pathology lab in India equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technologies that provides the Ovarian Reserve Profile Maxi Test with a clear pricing structure.

The Ovarian Reserve Profile Maxi Test Price in Mumbai is ₹ 6,395 .

We are committed to deliver accurate and quality results from the best labs in India with complete transparency regarding test cost and turnaround time. No matter where you are, we strive to offer patients high-quality service that is affordable and accessible.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Ovarian Reserve Profile Maxi measures the FSH, LH, E2, Anti Ovarian Antibody, Inhibin B and AMH levels in the blood.

  • Used as a marker for male and female infertility evaluation
  • Indicator of low ovarian reserve in perimenopausal women
  • Monitoring of patients with ovarian tumors/residual ovarian cancer or relapse after treatment
  • Aids in the diagnosis of granulosa cell tumors and mucinous epithelial ovarian tumors

This test requires a blood sample. A tourniquet (elastic) band is placed tightly on the upper arm. The patient is then asked to make a fist. This helps in the build-up of blood filling the veins. The skin is disinfected before needle insertion and the blood sample is collected in vacutainer.

AMH [Anti-Mullerian Hormone] Inhibiting Substance

High levels are seen in Polycystic ovarian syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, Granulosa cell tumor and in menopause.

 Low levels indicate reduced ovarian reserve

FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone

FSH is increased in Luteal Phase of Menstrual cycle, Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome, Complete testicular feminization syndrome, primary hypogonadism, perimenopausal, post menopause, hormonal therapy, heavy smokers or drinkers or people with a vitamin D deficiency.

Normal to decreased FSH occurs in polycystic ovary disease in females, pituitary gland tumour or adenoma, secondary hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, very underweight patients.

LH-Luteinizing Hormone

LH is increased in Luteal Phase of Menstrual cycle, Complete testicular feminization syndrome, Primary

LH is decreased in primary ovarian hyper function in females, Primary hypergonadism in male, In failure of the pituitary or hypothalamus, Hyperprolactinemia, Polycystic Ovary disease (PCOS).  

E2 - Estradiol Test

High levels are seen in tumor of the ovaries/adrenal glands/testicles, cirrhosis, early puberty in girls and delayed puberty in boys. Low levels are seen in primary ovarian insufficiency, menopause, turner syndrome, eating disorder and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Inhibin B test

Inhibin B levels cannot be used as the only test to assess infertility. Results are age and sex dependent and need to be correlated with other test results and clinical findings.

High Inhibin B levels in women may indicate ovarian malignancies and need to be correlated with clinical features. High levels in pregnant women indicate foetal abnormalities. 

Elevations of inhibin B after treatment are suggestive of residual, recurrent, or progressive disease. In patients with recurrent disease, inhibin B elevation seems to be present earlier than clinical symptoms. Inhibin B levels are typically higher in men with normal fertility.

Low levels in women in child-bearing group may indicate problems in conceiving.

Low levels in men indicate low sperm count.

At menopause, serum inhibin B decrease to very low or undetectable levels.

 For monitoring of patients with known ovarian cancer, inhibin B levels decrease to very low or undetectable levels shortly after surgery.

Ovarian Antibody

Presence of anti-ovarian antibodies (Positive result) may indicate premature ovarian failure numbers or unexplained infertility.

Anti-ovarian antibodies are also found in people with Addison's Disease, thyroid disease and endometriosis.

FSH is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by Anterior pituitary gland and regulates the development, growth, pubertal maturation, and reproductive processes of the body. In women, FSH helps control the menstrual cycle and stimulates the growth of eggs in the ovaries. FSH levels in women change throughout the menstrual cycle

LH is a glycoprotein hormone co-secreted with FSH by Anterior pituitary gland which together control growth and reproductive activities of the gonadal tissues.

Estradiol is a form of female sex hormone estrogen and Estradiol test is performed to assess their levels in blood. Estradiol helps to know the ovarian sufficiency especially in preparation to IVF treatments and also to diagnose certain estrogen dependent tumours.

Inhibin B is a reproductive hormone responsible for the production of eggs in females and sperm in men. Inhibin B gives an idea about the ovarian reserve and hence is useful in the diagnosis of infertility in males and females.

Anti-ovarian antibodies are associated with poor implantation, higher rates of IVF treatment failure and poor response to hormone therapy. Anti-ovarian antibodies are also found in people with Addison's Disease, thyroid disease and endometriosis.

• Ovarian Test • AMH test • Inhibin B test • FSH test • LH test • E2 test • Anti-ovarian Antibody test

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